Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201811

“It’s really an exciting time to have a Melaleuca business! When I first started with Melaleuca, the company was making $200 million a year in sales and I thought that was remarkable.



Now I see us at $2 billion and I share Frank’s vision of having our products in every home. With scientific evidence like the recent independent lung study findings, why wouldn’t we have products in every home? I’m going to give you a variety of ideas for approaches and some words and phrases you can work into your own way of telling everyone out there about Melaleuca.” The following is Mark’s training, presented in his own words. BEGINWITH BELIEF If I knew where a treasure was buried and knew I couldn’t dig it up alone, I’d invite others to help me—people I know and trust, people I love and want to share the wealth with. For us, that treasure is all the benefits that Melaleuca brings people—and we have the treasure map! BUILD WITH REFERRALS: IT’S NOT JUST WHO YOU KNOW, IT’S WHO THEY KNOW Myrna and I built our business on referrals. We have seven personally enrolled Executive Directors and 10 personally enrolled Senior Directors, and of those 17 business partners, 11 are folks we were introduced to because we asked someone for a referral. Start with 50 names on your contact list. Those 50 people will each know 50 people, and those 50 names can become 2,500 people you could talk to with a simple introduction from somebody you know. I can guarantee you that not every single person you know will partner with you, but I can also guarantee that everyone you know knows someone who will. Every no can lead to a yes when we make our contact feel comfortable in giving us a referral, so I’ll say



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