Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201811

and handed themout tomy team; instead of helping them it paralyzed them, so I decided to help themparaphrase instead. Here are some ideas I share with new builders: TECHNIQUES THAT WORK TIME, TIME WHY This means you first establish a time to meet and then you tell themwhy you’re meeting. I call this my furniture-moving approach because if I called and asked you to help me move a grand piano you’d say no , but if I called and asked if you were free to get coffee on Saturday you’d say yes . Then I would say I had an exciting idea I wanted to bounce off you. DIRECT QUESTION “Are you shopping at Melaleuca. com yet?” It’s such an easy question to ask and if their answer is no you can naturally segue into setting an appointment. You may say, “It’s like Amazon but with much better customer service and better products that are focused on wellness. I’ve got to show you this!” OFFER HELP OR LEAD WITH A NEED “Are you still working full time or have you found a way to be home with the kids yet?” If they say no , then you can tell them you’re calling to help themwith that. WORK YOUR STORY INTO IT When you share your own story, it’s authentic. Then when you say, “Here is the type of person I’m looking to partner with and here’s why I thought of you,” it not only helps them see themselves in your story, it also compliments them so they’re more willing to listen. MAKE TEXTING WORK FOR YOU To initiate contact, text them something brief like, “Hey, what’s up?” If they reply right back, ask if they have two minutes. If they say yes , then call them. I have found that 99 percent of the time, they’ll answer their phone. Do it this way because if you text to ask if they have a fewminutes right now to run something by them, they usually text back to talk to them later. BYPASS THE NO FEEL, FELT, FOUND If they voice an objection, respond with, “I understand, I felt that way too. But I found...” and then tell them how the business worked out for you. THE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Agree with their objection. (“I understand. Most people are really busy.”) Then say something like, “I’ll show you howMelaleuca works and if you still feel like that then don’t do it, okay?” If you knew one hundred percent for sure that you would be at Convention 2019 walking across the stage at the status you envision getting to, how fast would you get started in achieving that status? What’s stopping you? Let’s just do it.


Instead of “home-based business” say “work from home” because people want to work from home. Instead of offering an “opportunity” say your “partner” or “team up” with others to help them. Instead of asking to “tell” them about Melaleuca—because then they want you to tell them right then on the phone—use words like “show” and “see” instead. I’ll say, “I want to show you something” or “I want you to see this” because if I’m on the phone I can’t show them something they need to see, right? It gives me an opportunity to book a time to meet with them. Resistance isn’t an objection it’s what you may get when you’re trying to book an appointment. Here are some words to help you avoid it.

The content of this article is a small excerpt from a Convention 2018 workshop. Each Convention is packed with practical, useful, and life-changing workshops like this. Register for Convention 2019 so you don’t miss out on powerful trainings that will change your business and change your life. Plus, you’ll get early pricing when you register now!


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