Webasto Marine Catalog 2024-2025 EN

Hot air system

Hot air system

Order number

Order number

Distributor Y-unit Plastic, black Da = 55, with remote control flap valve

Air outlet Plastic, through flow with bushing, 45° D1a = 60, D2a = 85, L = 31.5, black

1319224A 1320352A 1319214A 1320926A

9012294A 9012295A 1320761A 9012296A 1320354A 1320709A 1320710A 9012300A 9012301A 1320208A 9012302A 1320355A 1320713A 1320714A 9012297A 9012298A 9012299A 1320711A 1320712A 1320762A 1320932A

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Da = 60

D1a = 60, D2a = 85, white D1a = 60, D2a = 85, brown D1a = 60, D2a = 85, grey D1a = 90, D2a = 115, grey D1a = 90, D2a = 115, black D1a = 90, D2a = 115, white

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Da = 80, with remote control flap valve

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Da = 90

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Distributor Y-unit Plastic, black Da = 55

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1319416A 1319212A

Air outlet Lockable, with wall feed through D1a = 60, D2a = 85, black, plastic D1a = 60, D2a = 85, white, plastic

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Da = 80

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D1a = 60, D2a = 85, brown

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Distributor Y-unit Plastic, black Da = 60

D1a = 60, D2a = 85, grey, plastic D1a = 90, D2a = 115, black, plastic D1a = 90, D2a = 115, white, plastic D1a = 90, D2a = 115, grey, plastic Air outlet Plastic, 90°, with wall feed through D1a = 60, D2a = 85, black

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1320814A 1320470A

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Da = 90

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Air outlet 45° rotatable Plastic, black D1a = 80, D2a = 55

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D1a = 60, D2a = 85, white D1a = 60, D2a = 85, grey D1a = 90, D2a = 115, white D1a = 90, D2a = 115, grey D1a = 60, D2a = 85, brown D1a = 90, D2a = 115, black

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1320753A 1320471A 1320375A

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D1a = 80, D2a = 60 D1a = 90, D2a = 80

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Air outlet D1a = 60, D2a = 92, black, plastic, rotatable, with ball-shape outlet, black

Air outlet D2a = 100, L = 63, black, plastic, lockable, with wall feed through, use for secondary flow only D1a = 55


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1320812A 1319946A

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D1a = 70

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Air outlet L = 65, plastic, rotatable, black D1a = 55, D2a = 90, 45°

Air outlet L = 65, plastic, insert grid, straight, rotating, 90°, black D1a = 55, D2a = 87

107836 107984


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D1a = 80, D2a = 110

D1a = 80, D2a = 110


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