HB - The Legal Corner Magazine #Issue 8

If there was one recipe that you would want to archive for future generations, what would it be and why? If I could share a recipe with the younger generation, it would be an Indian biryani, an ancient one-pot rice dish that has its roots steeped in historical India. There are many recipes that have made this dish famous, and each one has its own story to tell. I learnt how to cook a fabulous lamb biryani from my mother, who learnt it from her mother, and her mother before her. In Indian culture, passing a recipe onto your children is a sacred tradition. Every generation will adapt it and over the years it becomes a part of your family history. You can taste the love and memories in every bite. You can find my Lamb Shank Biryani on my website. Finally, do you have any projects you are working on and how can our readers contact you? After the success of my dining start-up in Mumbai, I am bringing a similar concept to Dubai. A beautiful space in the heart of the city that inspires you to cook, dine and get foodie. I also work with innovative food start-ups, sometimes as an investor and often as an advisor. I enjoy sharing my experiences and being part of a vibrant future for my industry.

How do you stay inspired?

I find inspiration everywhere and in everything I do. I adore going to food mar- kets and always seek out farmers’ markets wherever I am. I recently lived in Paris and had the most fabulous street market in my neighbourhood. I would always see a new ingredient that would spark inspiration, and I’d find myself trying to use it in my next recipe. I also love to dine out and really enjoy experiencing the skills of other chefs. Every day I discover something new to keep me creative. We see trends in healthier eating, organic foods, food waste and so on. How have these types of changes to the culinary industry impacted you over the years? What are you most excited to see? My industry is always changing and as chefs we have to adapt to market conditions and consumer trends. I usually create recipes that lean towards the healthier side of eating and I’m happy to see a shift towards mindful dining. Conscious consumers make better food choices for their health and for the environment. I’m always thinking of ways to use every part of my ingredient so I can keep food waste low. Trends like these keep chefs sharp and force us to be creative. As a chef, what aspects of your business required legal expertise, such as copy- righting recipes or negotiating contracts, and how do you think aspiring chefs can benefit from understanding the legal aspects of running a culinary business? Every aspect of my business requires legal expertise, and I would recommend involving a legal professional in the early stages of building a business. Ensuring you have the correct hospitality licences and comprehensive staff contracts is paramount. Laws are constantly changing, and it is very important to stay updated to keep yourself, your staff and your business protected.

You can keep updated on all my food news including my latest recipes and cookery masterclasses on Instagram and my website


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