HB - The Legal Corner Magazine #Issue 8


The Labour Party have presented a menu of missions aimed at businesses and communities.

Get Britain Building Again Reform planning laws to build 1.5 million new homes and essential infrastructure. Partner with businesses to boost life sciences, digital, creative, financial, clean power, and automotive sectors. Create a National Wealth Fund to attract private investment in key projects like ports, gigafactories, hydrogen, and steel. Introduce a fiscal lock to ensure economic stability. Reform welfare to support people back into work and improve job progression.

Get the NHS back on its feet Pay NHS staff overtime to reduce waiting lists. Double the number of state-of-the-art CT and MRI scanners. Invest in banning the promotion of vaping and junk food to young people. Reform the NHS dental contract to ensure access for everyone. Establish centres to bring care closer to communities. Recruit 8,500 additional mental health • • • • • •

Great British Energy Implement a windfall tax on oil and gas companies to support families. Create a publicly owned clean energy company to invest in renewable energy. Upgrade the national grid to support new energy infrastructure. Introduce fines for water companies polluting rivers and seas. Extend the lifespan of existing nuclear plants and support new projects.

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Break Down Barriers to Opportunity Free school breakfast clubs. 6,500 more teachers for specialist subjects. Establish Technical Excellence Colleges for local job markets. Modernise the school curriculum to include digital skills, creativity, and problem-solving. Transform the levy to give employers flexibility in workforce training.

Take Back Our Streets • Increase police presence with 13,000 more officers and PCSOs. • Invest in a new Police Efficiency program. • Create new offences for assault against retail workers. • Introduce specialist workers in 999 control rooms and rape units. • Establish a ten-year program with youth mental health hubs.

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