

ċċċŏ.1*$!/ŏ*1)!./ŏ+*ŏ+*0.0ŏ GREGGCHAMBERLAIN sell council (UCPR) since the request for a costing proposal first went out last year. A couple of unexpected hitches have delayed a final report to the counties. worked out by either October or November of last year.

Then a regional review on staffing indi- cated the Russell County OPP detachment was undermanned and senior command had to deal with that concern first. The MPB resumed work on the UCPR’s costing pro- posal last December and now the bureau’s goal is to have a report ready for the coun- ties council by either late January or early February this year.

The first delay was last August when the OPP Municipal Policing Bureau (MPB) de- cided to delay all costing proposal approv- als until the new 2012 cost recovery formula was finished and approved. That took place last September and at the time the MPB ex- pected to have the UCPR’s costing proposal

L’ORIGNAL | The counties council is still waiting for an answer to the question of how much a regional police contract might cost. The OPP is still working on the figures for the United Counties of Prescott-Rus-

Flu gets a grip on the region GREGG CHAMBERLAIN GREGG.CHAMBERLAIN@EAP.ON.CA in either children under the age of 14 or seniors going to hospital for further treat- ment to prevent pneumonia from devel- oping.

Ryan Hurst, a.k.a. Opie Winston, will visit Hawkesbury March 2 and 3. Dine with a

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CORNWALL | The flu bug is making the rounds in Eastern Ontario. Dr. Paul Roumeliotis, chief medical of- ficer for the Eastern Ontario Health Unit (EOHU) reported that the region is experi- encing the same level of flu outbreaks this season as the rest of the province. “Last year we didn’t have any cases,” said Dr. Roumeliotis, noting that as of the end of December the EOHU has recorded 29 incidents of influenza. That includes four outbreaks in long- term care facilities and five in various schools in the EOHU region. Several of the outbreaks involve influenza A subtype H3N2, which has resulted in some cases

Dr. Roumeliotis noted that the vaccine available through both the EOHU’s flu clin- ics and also through local doctors offices and some selected pharmacies is designed to deal with H3N2 along with several other more common types of influenza. This season has seen a drop in the num- ber of people attending the EOHU’s free flu vaccination clinics. Dr. Roumeliotis can- not say there is a definite link but noted that in some of the cases he knows about himself the patients involved did not get their annual flu shot. The EOHU continues to provide flu inoc- ulations at all of its local offices. People can

HAWKESBURY | Fans will have a chance to dine with Ryan Hurst, who plays OpieWin- ston on the TV series “Sons of Anarchy,” during his visit to Hawkesbury March and 3. Hurst will attend a “meet and greet” din- ner at Goulet Motosport, the Harley Da- vidson dealership located at Main and John Streets. Diners will also receive auto- graphed T-shirts. While all 125 tickets have been sold for the March 2 event, there are still tickets re- maining for the March 3 dinner, reports pro- moter John Younkie. For information, call Goulet Motosport at 613-632-3462.

also get their flu shots from their doctors or at some designated pharmacies. Phone the EOHU’s toll-free number at 1-800-267- 7120 for information on how to arrange an appointment. “There is merit to getting the (vaccine) protection,” Dr. Roumeliotis said. “The flu is not the same as a cold. The flu can be more dangerous.”

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Two Hawkesbury residents have been charged after police seized drugs worth about $7,500 in drugs during a raid on a Taché Boulevard, Hawkesbury residence last week. Jerry Pharand, 30, and Julie Lapensée have been charged with possession of cocaine and methamphetamine for the purpose of trafficking. Both accused have been released with conditions. Their next court appearance is February 27 in L’Orignal. The seizure of the drugs and $2,000 in cash was carried out by the Ontario Provincial Police’s Project Para- digm team comprised of members of the Organized Crime Enforcement Bureau, Drug Enforcement Unit, the Hawkesbury Crime Unit, the O.P.P. Emergency Response Team and the Hawkesbury detachment. 1/! ŏ.!01.*/ŏ0+ŏ(!4* .% A 40-year-old former teacher facing child pornography charges has been ordered to return to Alexandria pending his trial in Yellowknife this summer. Hugues Latour has been released on $40,000 bail with several conditions, one of which is that he live with his parents in Alexandria. The accused, who worked as a teacher in Inuvik, faces several charges that include sexual assault, sexual interference with a person under the age of 16, making and possessing child pornography. His trial is set for August 12 in Yellow- knife.

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NOUVELLE SUCCURSALE 1030 rue King, L'Orignal, Ont K0B 1K0 Tél.: 613 675-0990 With over 25 years of experience, John H. Hale is certified by The Law Society of Upper Canada as a specialist in criminal litigation. Mr. Hale accepts all criminal cases. Avec plus de 25 ans d'expérience à son actif, Me John H. Hale est certifié par Le Barreau du Haut Canada en tant que spécialiste en droit criminel. Me Hale accepte toutes les causes criminelles.

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