May 2021 E-Newsletter

As this golf season gets started our professional golf staff would like to give you a few friendly reminders we can all do to take care of our golf courses: GOLF COURSE REMINDERS The no mow areas on the golf courses are by design. Some are marked as penalty areas and should be played as so according to the Rules of Golf. If a no mow area is not marked as a penalty area, then any ball that enters an unmarked no mow area and is not found is a Lost Ball. While playing your round, if you stroke a ball into the no mow areas, please play a Pro- visional Ball to help with the pace of play. Though the grass in the no mow areas is shorter during the spring, it is not intended for golf cart traffic. You may enter no mow areas in search of a ball, but please DO NOT drive golf carts into these areas. Please observe the golf cart rules for the day. Every effort will be made to maintain the 90º cart rule as often as possible. However, when carts are restricted to paths, please keep all wheels on the paths. At ARL, when taking a divot please fill the scar with sand. There is no need to replace the divot as it will die. The Bermuda grass will fill-in within a few days.

At Fairfax, if the divot is intact with soil attached, please replace it. If the divot has shattered, please fill the scar with sand. Please be sure to repair your ball marks on the green and a couple others at the same time. A properly repaired ball mark will keep our greens looking spectacular all season. The Women’s Nine Hole Golf Organization welcomes all new and returning members to the 2021 season. If you are interested in joining, please contact Membership Chairman: Sally Mitchell at (703) 409-1438 or at The tee times are as follows: April, May, September and October 8:30 AM to 10:00 AM. June, July and August 8:00 AM to 9:30 AM. WNHGO: WOMEN’S NINE HOLE GOLF ORGANIZATION

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