
26A — July 13 - 26, 2012 — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal


P eople on the M ove

Appoints Kochan director of RE mgmt. Colliers International adds industry vet

Assumes the leadership role from Jeff Zeh ABC Eastern PA Chapter hires Tebeau as president

Parsippany, NJ — Col- liers International New Jersey has added 23-year

Services, a position she held since 2009. Working closely with the managing director of the New Jersey office, Kochan was an integral part of the region’s business development, specializing in cross-selling of services, securing manage- ment accounts and maintain- ing existing ones. Operation- ally, she was responsible for portfolio-wide cost savings initiatives, white paper solu- tions and sustainable best practices. In 2011, Kochan joined the Grubb & Ellis National Op- erations Team where she cre- ated a set of standardized corporate processes that were rolled out to nearly 100 offices nationwide. Kochan originally joined Grubb & Ellis in 2001 as a property manager, and was later promoted to senior property manager, portfolio manager and ultimately, As- sistant vice president. Kochan also previously worked as a Regional Property Manager for Zepka/Goldberg Real Estate Co., where she managed class A and B office buildings, retail, multi-family, condominiums, and flex/ware- house space in New Jersey, Maryland and Florida. n


presence in Central Ohio. She led the chapter’s efforts to de- feat a potential Project Labor Agreement on a local minor league baseball stadium, and received a victorious legal verdict from the Ohio Supreme Court regarding how the state views “prevailing wage viola- tions.” Through ABC National Tebeau has served on the pres- ident’s council for Region 6 and on the Careers in Construction Committee. Tebeau served on the board of the Ohio Society of Associa- tion Executives, and was the board chair last year. I Tebeau assumes the leader- ship role from Jeff Zeh, who retired July 1 after 13 years as president and CEO of the chapter. n and Scott Mason, D.P.A., FACHE , executive manag- ing director of Cushman & Wakefield , who presented “Reform or Not? Who Cares! The Inevitable Change in Healthcare Delivery from In- patient to Outpatient and its Impact on Real Estate”. Gil- lis, CCIM states, “I came away from this conference with a wealth of information regard- ing medical real estate and the knowledge I have gained will help me better serve my clients.” n Zarrad came to Russo Devel- opment from RREEF, where she was as an executive in the accounting group for ten years. While at RREEF, Valerye spe- cialized in reporting, training, teamdevelopment and strategy. Prior to joining RREEF, Valerye managed the accounting de- partment of Eden Toys, LLC. improving the organization, standardization and forecast- ing of the company. Previously Zarrad gained accounting expe- rience with Worldwide Media Service Inc., Arcorp Properties, Badanco Enterprises, Inc., En- nis, Cavuoto & Co., and KPMG Peat Marwick LLC. n pancy, equity, sponsorship LTV ratio and similar) are aligned with current lender require- ments. Bruce J. Coin is director of Bruce Coin Consulting, Inc. n

ast Norriton, PA— Associated Builders and Contractors East-

into the next 50 years,” said Mark McMahon, 2012 ABC Eastern Pennsylvania Chapter chairman and vice president at Delran Builders Company. “She helped build a stronger chapter in Ohio and led many efforts to advance open shop construction in the Buckeye State. We’re looking forward to what she will accomplish in the Keystone State.” Prior to joining the Eastern Pennsylvania Chapter, Tebeau was president and CEO of the Central Ohio Chapter in Co- lumbus for 11 years. During this time she guided the chap- ter to increased membership, a more established committee structure, and moved the of- fice and training facility under one roof to create an enhanced United States, the implemen- tation of healthcare reform and the various investment and development opportuni- ties in the myriad of medical office buildings, research fa- cilities and seniors’ housing. It was attended by 225 leading healthcare, real estate and capital markets executives from around the nation. The agenda included two keynote speakers; Edward Rollins who presented “The Impact of Today’s Political Cycle on Healthcare & Real Estate”,

industry vet- e r an L i s a Kochan to its real es- t a t e ma n - agement ser- vices team. Kochan will serve as a di- rector, focus-

ern Penn- s y l v a n i a Chapter has hired Mary Tebeau o f Blue Bell as its new pres- i d e n t a n d chief execu- tive officer.

Lisa Kochan

ing on business development. Kochan specializes in de- veloping and maintaining best–in-class standards in property management, plan- ning and strategy, monitoring building operations, selection of personnel and implement- ing and managing operating budgets. “Lisa’s award-winning at- tention to detail and manage- ment skills will be well-suited to our management team,” said Robert Martie, executive vice president of Colliers In- ternational New Jersey. “We look forward to working with her and applying her skill set to our portfolio.” Prior to joining Colliers International, Kochan was assistant vice president for Grubb & Ellis Management

Mary Tebeau

Tebeau will manage daily activities of the chapter’s of- fices in East Norriton and Allentown and will further merit construction throughout the region. “Mary’s background inABC, association management and the construction industry pre- pares her to lead our chapter

Gillis of Sperry Van Ness - Miller attends Healthcare & Real Estate Conference

New York, NY — B rad- ley Gillis, CCIM from Sper- ry Van Ness - Miller Com-

m e r c i a l Real Estate in Salisbury, MD recently attended the Healthcare & Real Es- tate Confer- ence in New Yo r k , NY.

RE/MAX Classic hires Furman

Bradley Gillis

The conference featured im- portant discussion on the state of healthcare in the

CARLSTADT, NJ — Russo Development has announced the appointment of V alerye Russo Development appoints Zarrad as corporate controller role, Zarrad will also be re- sponsible for corporate payroll, administration, benefits and all associated personnel strat- egies and communication. The growth of this position demon- strates Russo Development’s employee focus and expansion initiative.

Zarrad as c o r p o r a t e c o n t r o l l e r. Valerye joins the account- i n g t e a m with a strong financial re- porting back- ground in the

Brett Furman and Lisa Furman

St. Davids, PA — Real estate broker, Brett Furman announced the hiring of Lisa Furman as vice president of marketing & public rela- tions. Furman will be man- aging Brett Furman’s team social media efforts including Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn and multiple other programs. She will also be responsible for the expansion of the direct mail program and overseeing the firm’s public relations efforts. “Utilizing my marketing and manage- ment background is extremely satisfying. I am also planning to use my prior experience as a personal trainer to get the team in better physical

shape,” said Mrs. Furman. “She hit the ground run- ning with a huge change in the first day,” said Brett. First Mrs. Furman acquired IPad3’s with blue tooth keyboards for the team. Then she developed a mobile application that reduced the time it takes to list homes into the various social media and marketing websites and cut two days off the time it takes to list the home into the multiple listing service. Finally she moved all the desktop applications to the new IPads. “It’s all about being the most efficient. Our sellers are ecstatic with the increased speed,” said Brett Furman. n

“Valerye is a welcomed ad- dition to the Russo Develop- ment team,” stated Ed Russo, president and COO, Russo Development, “Valerye’s ex- tensive experience in training, development and corporate communication will be integral to our growing portfolio and team of industry experts.” nities at many levels for active commercial mortgage market practitioners to benefit. Accordingly, if you are seek- ing a re-finance you need to make sure that your proposal (real estate collateral, occu-

Valerye Zarrad

real estate industry, and will collaborate with the property controller, Susan Schott, to oversee all financial manage- ment, transactions, reporting and compliance. In this new maturing loans has been re- ferred to as a “potential tidal wave of default.” The solutions are varied and will take a long time to work through the mar- ket although there are opportu-

continued from page 17A The current commercial mortgage market . . .

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