Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal — New Jersey — July 13 - 26, 2012 — 11B
Hutchinson Energy Services Businesses save with Energy Service Companies
ccording to the Na- tional Association of Energy Service
• How will the ESCO price the work? • What processes do they follow to ensure I get the best value for my project? Hutchinson is a third-genera- tion family business and trades as Hutchinson Plumbing Heating Cooling, Hutchinson Mechani- cal Services, and Hutchinson Energy Services has specialized in commercial and residential mechanical and energy services since 1948. Hutchinson’s techni- cians are factory trained, NATE certified and are on-call 24/7 365 days a year. ■
How to Select an ESCO: Ed Hutchinson, president of Hutchinson, offers these tips on what to look for when selecting the ESCO. • What is the ESCO’s experience in offering comprehensive energy savings services? • Is the ESCO accredited by the National Association of En- ergy Services Companies (NAES- CO)? • What is the experience of the ESCO personnel assigned to my project? • What is the ESCO’s track record and ability to facilitate innovative financing options?
Through the ESCO, businesses can take advantage of comprehensive, cost effective measures to achieve energy savings like: high efficiency lighting, high efficiency heating and air conditioning, efficient motors and variable speed drives, and centralized energy management systems.
Companies ( NASCO ) , an energy service com- p a n y , o r ESCO , i s a business that devel- ops, installs and arrang-
Ed Hutchinson
efficient services: • Energy Analysis • Comprehensive Energy Solutions • High Efficiency Lighting
es financing for projects de- signed to improve the energy efficiency and maintenance costs for facilities over an extended period of time. The ESCO serves as project developers for various tasks and services, including: • Develop, design, and ar- range financing for energy efficiency projects; • Install and maintain the energy efficient equipment involved; • Measure, monitor, and verify the project’s energy savings; and sometimes • Assumes the risk that the project will save the amount of energy guaranteed. Through the ESCO, busi- nesses can take advantage of comprehensive, cost effective measures to achieve energy savings like: high efficiency lighting, high efficiency heat- ing and air conditioning, ef- ficient motors and variable speed drives, and centralized energymanagement systems. Typically, the ESCO handles financing arrangements for these energy efficient proj- ects, and bundles services into the project’s cost, which are then repaid through the positive cash flow generated on energy savings. In addition to the economic benefits realized by ESCO customers through energy and maintenance cost sav- ings, this booming industry has had a profound effect on the U.S. economy. New jobs have been created, not only within the ESCOs, but though the use of contractors and through the many firms involved directly and indi- rectly in supporting energy efficiency projects. Hutchinson Energy Ser- vices, a leading provider of commercial and residential mechanical and energy so- lutions, offers many energy
• Solar • Building Automation And Controls • Mechanical Hvac Services • System Commissioning
Reduce your energy costs with Hutchinson! Direct Install now pays 70% of the cost to replace your outdated lighting and HVAC equipment.
Energy Management Solutions Web Access Monitoring
Heating | Ventilation | Air Conditioning Plumbing Services | Lighting Upgrades Energy Assessments Building Modeling and Benchmarking Solar Technologies
George Hutchinson III, LMP. Plumbing License Number 6311. Contact us today to learn how we can help you reduce energy costs and save! dicoordinator@hutchbiz.com 888-777-4501
Your Total Energy Experts ®
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