16B — July 13 - 26, 2012 — New Jersey — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal
HERRY HILL, NJ —A pair of South Jer- sey business owners Together with Shiroff raise money for donation Wolf and Hemo of WCRE visit the CARES Institute C
Of operations and technology Regal Bank appoints Fanslau vice president
“I greatly appreciate the opportunity to take on more responsibility in my new role at Regal Bank,” said Fanslau. Fanslau began her 20-year banking career as a teller and customer service representative before moving into branch administration, human resources, and opera- tions training. Fanslau actively partici- pates in the bank’s comprehen- sive community involvement initiatives and volunteers at the Susan G. Komen 3-Day Walk, the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s Light the Night Walk, several American Cancer Society fundraisers, and at the West Orange Par- ent Teacher Association. ■
LIVINGSTON, NJ— Regal Bank appointedWest Orange resident Carol Fanslau as
vice presi- dent of op- erations and technology. In this role, Fanslau is responsible for manag- ing the daily operations of the bank,
showed that the health and well-being of the most vulner- able among us is one of their top priorities. Delivering on a promise they made last month, Stu Shiroff of LeeNew- man Fine Men’s Clothing and Tehen Fine Women’s Clothing and Jason Wolf of WCRE visited the CARES Institute at the UMDNJ School of Os- teopathic Medicine and made a generous donation they worked together to raise. “For nearly twenty five years, the CARES Institute has been providing a lifeline and a way forward for chil- dren in South Jersey, and we are so happy to contribute to its work with this gift to the Foundation of UMDNJ,” said Shiroff, owner of the Lee Newman Shops. The Institute provides medical and social services to children who have experienced abuse and ne- glect. MartinA. Finkel, DO, FAAP, founder and director of the In- stitute, led Shiroff, Wolf, and Leor Hemo , executive vice president, WCRE, on a tour and accepted their check for veteran Ben S h a p i r o has j o ined their broker- age firm as a senior vice p r e s i d en t . In this role, Shapiro will focus mainly on Middlesex, Somerset and Mercer counties. Previously with Grubb & Ellis , Shapiro has worked with top-name companies such as Vonage, General Electric, Carter Wallace, Marriott Cor- poration, MedPointe Health- care Inc., AkzoNobel Corpo- Ben Shapiro
Carol Fanslau
while overseeing technology platforms and ensuring equip- ment is properly implemented and operated. Prior to assuming this role, Fanslau was the assistant vice president of operations and technology.
Cushman & Wakefield promotes Adams & Pittard
Dr. Martin Finkel of the CARES Institute, left, accepts a donation from Jason Wolf and Leor Hemo of WCRE, and Stu Shiroff of Lee Newman Brands.
UMDNJ. “Nobody should have to endure what the children at the CARES Institute have experienced. As a parent and a member of the community I am proud to help further the incredible work of Dr. Finkel and his team,” said WCRE’s Wolf. Shiroff and Wolf raised the donation money by co-spon-
soring an event in May along with Caffe Aldo Labmberti to promote the Buy Camden County initiative, which en- courages residents to choose local businesses. It was the first of many Buy Camden County events planned over the coming months. Future events will include other local businesses in the effort to sup- port the CARES Institute. ■
EAST RUTHERFORD, NJ — Commercial real estate ser- vices firm Cushman & Wake-
cant land tract transactions; and representation of major corporations, developers and institutional owners. FARHILLS
field, Inc ., has promoted two industri- al brokerage spe c i a l i s t s to the posi- tion of senior a s s o c i a t e . Based in the Cushman &
— More than 1 5 0 c o m - mercial real estate pro- f e s s i o n a l s turned out this week to
EAST BRUNSWICK, NJ — CBRE announced that 28- year commercial real estate CBRE hires industry veteran Ben Shapiro ration, Johnson Controls, K. Hovnanian and Lehman Brothers. Additionally, he completed a 575,000 s/f lease with United Stationers Supply Company for a regional distri- bution facility, and has also recently completed a 417,000 s/f lease with MAP Interna- tional, a leading manufacturer of computer cabinetry. career, and we believe he will serve as an example for the CBRE team.” “I’m very excited to have the opportunity to join the CBRE team,” said Shapiro. “I’m confident that given the team that has been assembled, and the platform and tools that are available to work with, that I will be able to add value to my clients and CBRE.”
Robert Adams
Rachel Pittard
Wakefield East Rutherford office, Robert Adams and
support the fight for healthy babies and to honor Gualberto
“Ben’s experience in the industry and the notable com- panies he has worked with make him an excellent addi- tion to our team,” said Jeff Hipschman, senior managing director, and head of New Jersey operations at CBRE. “Ben is a proven leader and has handled some very sig- nificant transactions in his recognizes the supplier that consistently demonstrates in- novation to improve the qual- ity of service and total cost of ownership for Corporate United’s members. WRRI earned this distinc- tion for its consultative, col- laborative approach to part- nering with Corporate United
Throughout his career, Sha- piro has achieved numerous industry honors, including being named to the Grubb & Ellis Presidents Council and Circle of Excellence. He has also won the Mack-Cali “Deal of the Year” award and has been recognized as a CoStar Power Broker. ■ and its member companies. WRRI has served as the pre- ferred relocation and assign- ment management services provider to Corporate United since 2007 and designated a service team dedicated exclu- sively to Corporate United and its extensive member base in 2011. ■
Shown from left: Addy Bonet, NJ State director, March of Dimes; Medina; Carol Roberts, director of special events, March of Dimes; Robert Martie, event chair and executive vice president, Colliers In- ternational NJ.
MORRIS PLAINS , NJ — Weichert Relocation Resources Inc. (WRRI) has won the award for Excellence in Collaboration at the 2012 SYNERGY Conference in Scottsdale, AZ. Presented by Corporate United, one of the nation’s largest group purchas- ing organizations, this award WRRI earns Excellence in Collaboration Award
Rachel Pittard joined the firm as associates in 2007 and 2009, respectively. Adams and Pittard both are part of a six-person team that is recognized as one of Cushman & Wakefield’s most senior and successful industrial groups nationwide. The team focuses on leasing and sales; signifi-
“Gil” Medina , the company’s New Jersey executive manag- ing director during the March of Dimes annual Real Estate Award Reception and Pynes Putting Challenge. The play- offs for the Putting Challenge and the event took place at the United States Golf Association Museum in Far Hills. ■
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