C Back Cover — July 13 - 26, 2012 — Pennsylvania — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal
Imagine an Olympic soccer field complete with 22 players. Now, imagine a field large enough for 4,200 players. That much turf would total almost 16.5 million square feet and that’s how much industrial, office, and flex space Mericle has developed in Northeastern Pennsylvania. When you need new space to grow your business, call Mericle. We’ll provide the assist, so you can make all of your goals.
Click tKe YouTube loJo on Mericle s KoPe SaJe to view videos oI soPe oI our availaEle SroSerties.
1200 E. Lackawanna Avenue Mid Valley Industrial Park Olyphant, PA 311 6) e[SandaEle Can Ee suEdivided 38. acres 0·µ ceilinJs (6)5 Àre Srotection $PSle trailer storaJe 0 cross dock loadinJ doors Near ,81 ,380 and ,8 345 Enterprise Way (Parcel 7A) CenterPoint West Pittston Township, PA 7 6) to 81037 6) 30· to 33· ceilinJs 7Eay liJKtinJ 7a[ aEatePent /arJe SarkinJ areas :et sSrinkler 1 loadinJ doors Near ,81 and ,7 61 Green Mountain Road Humboldt Industrial Park East Union Township, PA 0800 6) availaEle ([SandaEle to 800 6) 30·µ to 3·µ ceilinJs $Eundant SarkinJ 7a[es aEated tKrouJK 017 Close to ,81 and ,80 3 cross dock loadinJ doors
501-575 Keystone Avenue CenterPoint East Jenkins Township, PA 10000 6) on .78 acres 30·1µ to 3·3µ ceilinJs loadinJ doors 1 drivein door 13 loadinJ doors 7Eay liJKtinJ Near ,81 and ,7 7a[ aEatePent 1 drivein door 5ail availaEle Close to ,81 and ,80 7a[es aEated tKrouJK 017 320-330 Stewart Road Hanover Industrial Estates Hanover Township, PA 108000 6) e[SandaEle 30· to 3·11µ ceilinJs loadinJ doors 1 drivein door 1104 North Park Drive Humboldt Industrial Park Hazle Township, PA 10000 6) on 1.03 acres ([SandaEle to 1000 6) 3· to 37· ceilinJs loadinJ doors
1200 East Lackawanna Avenue
1104 North Park Drive
345 Enterprise Way
501-575 Keystone Avenue
61 Green Mountain Road
320-330 Stewart Road
5ackinJ conveyer (6)5 Àre Srotection Pinutes IroP ,81 /arJe SarkinJ areas
Development Division: 570.823.1100
Bob Besecker t Jim Hilsher Bill Jones t Dan Walsh Developing Pennsylvania’s I-81 Corridor for 27 Years.
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