Stride_Life Without Pelvic Pain & Urinary Incontinence

A physiotherapist is highly skilled in evaluating and treating various musculoskeletal and neurological conditions affecting the body. This profession focuses on assessing any underlying factors, such as strength, neuromuscular control, balance, coordination, skeletal alignment, and endurance, which may be contributing to impaired functional mobility, activity participation, and quality of life.

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A physiotherapist is highly skilled in evaluating and treating various musculoskeletal and neurological conditions affecting the body. This profession focuses on assessing any underlying factors, such as strength, neuromuscular control, balance, coordination, skeletal alignment, and endurance, which may be contributing to impaired functional mobility, activity participation, and quality of life. (continued inside)

Jagare Ridge 14234 28 Avenue SW Edmonton, Alberta T6w 3y9

Brintnell 4357 167 Ave NW Edmonton, Alberta T5Y 3Y2

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(780) 288-4842

(780) 757-0206



Any of these conditions may lead to inadequate support of the organs contained with your pelvic cavity, increased pressure or inflammation of nerves, muscles, and other connective tissues (including your bladder), and impaired pelvic bone alignment. These symptoms can befrustrating,painful,andembarrassing,andmay limityourtolerance to daily participation in desired activities, including exercise. Other symptoms frequently appear with pelvic pain, including incontinence, bloating, abdominal pressure, reluctance to strain while defecating, and pain in the low back, buttocks, and hips. You may also have decreased tolerance to a variety of activities including sitting or Everypatientpresentingwithchronicpelvicpain isunique. Ifyoucometo seeaphysiotherapistforyourpelvicdysfunction,you’llbetakenthrough athoroughphysicalexaminationandpatienthistoryquestionnaire.Heor shewillaskyouspecificquestionsaboutyourpain,whatmakes itworse andbetter,andwhetheryouhaveahistoryofanyrelated issues.Based ontheresultsoftheexamination,yourphysiotherapistcanthendevelop acustomizedtreatmentplantorelieveyoursymptomsandaddressthe suspected underlying causes to prevent recurring dysfunction. We can help you understand more about your pelvic pain and help you find relief. Call our clinics at Jagare Ridge: (780) 288-4842 and Brintnell: (780) 757-0206 or visit us at standing, walking, exercise, and sexual intercourse. How A Physiotherapist Can Treat Your Pelvic Pain

Of course, most people only seek physiotherapy when they’re suffering from a common injury or condition such as whiplash, tendonitis, low back pain, ligament sprains, and plantar fasciitis. Perhaps lesser known is that chronic pelvic pain and dysfunction, including incontinence, can also respond positively to physiotherapy intervention. Causes Of Incontinence & Chronic Pelvic Pain If you have pain in your pelvis, it may not always be fully clear what’s causing it.Somecommoncausesofpelvicfloordysfunctionandchronic pelvic pain include, but are not limited to: • Pregnancy • Sacroiliac joint dysfunction • Coccydynia • Irritation of the pudendal nerve (which originates near the bottom of your spine) • Irritable bowel syndrome • Levator ani syndrome (increased tension in pelvic floor muscles) • Post-surgical complications (e.g., pain following a hysterectomy, hernia repair, cesarean section, and/or prostatectomy)

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Understanding INCONTINENCE

While more women than men are affected, men can have urinary problems too, especially after prostate surgery. Many young people also can get urinary incontinence. Fortunately, there are many treatments that can help with urinary incontinence. Behavioral Treatment: Some people find relief by making simple lifestyle changes. If you have stress incontinence and leak urine when you cough, sneeze, or laugh, your physiotherapist may tell you to limit how much you drink. If you have urge incontinence, in which you get the sudden urge to urinate and have trouble making it to the bathroom, you may be told to avoid spicy foods, caffeine, and carbonated drinks, as they can irritate the bladder and make the problem worse. Exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, known as Kegels, can sometimes help with incontinence. Sometimes they are combined with biofeedback techniques to help you know if you are doing the exercises properly. For urge incontinence, bladder training can also help by

gradually increasing the interval time between trips to the bathroom, working up to longer and longer intervals between bathroom stops. Devices and Absorbent Products: Protective pads and panty liners can help avoid embarrassing situations. A pessary, a plastic device inserted into the vagina, may help prevent urine leakage by supporting the neck of the bladder; it is most useful for stress incontinence. Mild to moderate cases of common types of incontinence can be cured or greatly improved by behavioral or exercise therapy. We can also teach you habits and techniques to reduce urgency and urge incontinence (or leaking with a strong urge on the way to the bathroom). Tired of living with urinary incontinence? We can help! Call Stride Sports & Physiotherapy today at Jagare Ridge: (780) 288-4842 and Brintnell: (780) 757-0206 or visit us at

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beginning of September. The staff at Stride Sports & Physiotherapy is so kind and caring...all the therapistsare amazing! Iwouldhands–down recommend Stride to anyone looking forexcellentservice! ” – M. E. 5-Star Google Review


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EXERCISE ESSENTIALS Use This Exercise for Pelvic Strengthening

Relieve Incontinence Sit in a chair with tall, relaxed posture. Slowly and gradually contract your pelvic floor until you reach maximum strength. Then slowly return to your relaxed position.

WOMEN’S HEALTH Featured Service

Pain and issues surrounding the pelvicfloorcanoccurforanumber of reasons. It can be limiting and, for some people, even a bit embarrassing. It can hinder your daily life and prevent you from doing some of your daily tasks or activities you love. While our Women’s Health Program primarily focuses on women,anywomanorman living with pelvic problems can benefit from our services. Through our targeted programs, we can help reduce or eliminate the pain and symptoms you are experiencing. Patients who would be strong candidatesforourWomen’sHealth Program treatments include: • Anywomanormandealingwith urinary or fecal incontinence. • Postpartumwomen. • Postmenopausal women. • Women with pelvic organ prolapse.

• Post-prostatectomy men. At your initial appointment, you will undergo a thorough physical evaluation and review of medical history. This will help your physiotherapistdeterminethebest courseoftreatmentforyourneeds. Our services include: • Education (patient handouts and thorough information concerning your condition to take home). • Bladder training (surrounding your bladder schedule). • Neuroretraining(incorporating pelvic floor muscle activation during simulated daily activities). • Biofeedback. • Pelvic floor muscle retraining. We’llhelpcorrectyourpelvicfloor problems so you can get back to living your life comfortably.


Always consult your physiotherapist or physician before starting exercises you are unsure of doing.

STAFF SPOTLIGHT Evelyn Etruw, PT MCISc, FCAMPT Physiotherapist at Jagare Ridge

Have an issue other than pelvic pain and urinary incontinence? We can help get you back to better health. Book your appointment today! Jagare Ridge (780) 288-4842 email: Brintnell (780) 757-0206 email:

Evelyn is a graduate of the University of Western Ontario with an honors Bachelor of Health Sciences degree with a specialization in health promotions in 2005 and a Masters in Physical Therapy in 2007. Her 12 years of clinical practice in the public and private sectors intheareasoforthopedics,pelvichealth,andrheumatology,

To Book an Appointment with Evelyn: Call (780) 288-4842 among others, have been complemented by a Master of Clinical Science degree (ManipulativeTherapy)fromWesternUniversity,acertificate inMedicalAcupuncturefrom McMaster University, a standing as a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Manipulative Physiotherapy (FCAMPT) and mentor with the National Orthopedic Division. She has a special interest inchronicbackpainandpelvicdysfunction.Ever thevoracious learner, Evelyn is currently a Ph.D. student in the Department of Rehabilitation Science at the University of Alberta. When she is not working or studying, Evelyn enjoys spending time with her 2 daughters and husband.

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