MechanoTherapy_You Can Overcome Back Pain


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• Stress • Fear and avoidance of using the low back

Low back pain is the most common cause of activity limitation and missed work in many countries around the world and the U.S. is no different. For people who experience low back pain, the recurrence rate ranges from 24-33%, and between the years of 1996 and 2006 rates of chronic low back pain increased from 3.9% to 10.2%! Sadly, a study that came out in 2017 showed that only 10% of visits to the doctor’s office for low back pain resulted in a referral to physical therapy. That’s a problem. What Causes Low Back Pain? Low back pain is individual and multi-factorial. Patients should be thoroughly examined in order to identify their specific root cause. Possible causes include: • Hip weakness resulting in overuse of low back muscles • Poor trunk muscle strength/endurance • Asymmetrical and/or inadequate hip flexibility • Excessive spinal flexibility • Positional habits such as only crossing one leg • Poor sleep

Unfortunately, many people are not proactive about managing their low back pain and we know that the longer people wait to address it, the longer it tends to stick around. Most people believe their low back pain will just gradually go away on its own but one study on 490 patients showed that after 12 months of “wait and see” only 25% had completely recovered in terms of pain and disability. Back Pain Solutions MechanoTherapy to the rescue! Lots of studies now show that physical therapy can drastically improve your quality of life, decrease your pain and save you money on other medical expenses in the long run. At MechanoTherapy, we are Board Certified Specialists in Orthopedic Physical Therapy meaning that we’re the experts when it comes to getting you moving pain free once again.

To find out more about how we can help you take charge of your back pain, call us today at (503) 567-5771 or visit us online at

A R E Y O U L E T T I N G Y O U R PA I N H O L D Y O U B A C K ? C A L L T O S C H E D U L E Y O U R A P P O I N T M E N T T O D AY !

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