30A — January 25 - February 7, 2013 — Economic Development — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal
E conomic D evelopment
Promoting sound economic development policies PEDA fosters the economic health of the Commonwealth
New Jersey EDA promotes sound economy
If you are a business in need of financing to grow in New Jersey, a not-for-profit organization seeking capital to expand community ser- vices, a municipality looking to attract a major corporation within your boundaries, or a developer requiring funds for a major redevelopment proj- ect, the New Jersey Economic Development Authority (EDA) is ready to put its resources to work for you. With our large portfolio of varied programs and services, the EDA can assist you with access to capital, including tax-exempt and taxable bond financing, loans, loan guar- antees, and business and tax incentives. The mission of the EDA is to strengthen New Jersey’s economy by retain- ing and growing businesses through financial assistance, by renewing communities, and by promoting the State’s strategic advantages. The EDA creates public/pri- vate partnerships to bridge Virginia Beach, VA — Architectural Graphics, Inc. (AGI) has purchased 2820 Crusader Circle, comprising 156,450 s/f of industrial space for $5.5 million. The company plans to invest an additional $4.35 million in the Crusader Circle property in building improvements, new business property, and machin- ery and tools. “Architectural Graphics is one of our longest corporate citi- zens in Oceana West Corporate Park,” said Warren Harris , director of Virginia Beach Economic Development . “We are pleased to see its national customer base expand from op- erations here in Virginia Beach. Advanced manufacturing is a major target industry sector for the city, and this expansion will bring 125 new jobs to Virginia Beach.” The Virginia Beach Develop- ment Authority has awarded the company an Economic De- Such clients have been able to make these moves despite the economy’s struggles and the recent spate of bank merg- ers, illustrating that there is no substitute for decades of financial expertise and positive results. Government assistance
he Pennsylvania Eco- nomic Development Association (PEDA) is
in Pennsylvania to share best practices and experiences that enhance the professional dia- logue. This active engagement ensures that Pennsylvania can continue to aggressively posi- tion itself to retain, grow and attract businesses and jobs to the Commonwealth. Professional Development Economic Development is a broad and diverse field requir- ing many areas of expertise. In addition to our two annual conferences, PEDAcollaborates with the Pennsylvania Eco- nomic Development Institute, its continuing education arm, to offer seminars, workshops and other educational oppor- tunities for economic develop- ment professionals and their partners seeking to enhance their professional knowledge and expertise. PEDA also strives to provide educational programs that are relevant to our economic development partners in local government and business and partners with other statewide and national organizations to expand economic development training opportunities. For more information about PEDA, please visit our website at: www.peda.org n
financing gaps and to increase access to capital by the State’s business community with an emphasis on small andmid-size businesses and not-for-profit organizations. It supports en- trepreneurial development through access to training and mentoring programs. It undertakes real estate devel- opment projects important to the State’s economic growth that will create new jobs and business opportunities and support community develop- ment and revitalization. With years of experience and a record of success, meet the executive team that guides the New Jersey Economic Develop- ment Authority (EDA) in being a catalyst for creating jobs and promoting economic growth in the State. For more information con- tact njeda@njeda.com n velopment Investment Program grant of $500,000 based on the company’s capital investment. The new location is within the Accident Potential Zone-1 (APZ- 1) of Naval Air Station Oceana and qualifies for economic de- velopment incentives through the YesOceana program. The innovative program moves non-conforming businesses out of APZ-1 and recruits busi- nesses that meet zoning and conformity specifications into the area. The mission of the Virginia Beach Department of Economic Development is to attract and retain national and interna- tional business and industry that results in the creation of new capital investment and jobs that increase the per capita income in the community. The City of Virginia Beach is the most populous city in the Com- monwealth of Virginia with a population of 434,000 and is the 39th largest city in the U.S. n programs are out there, but businesses need guidance in finding and taking advantage of them. CBA invites your in- quiries regarding current or long-term financing options. David A. Berger, chief fi- nancial consultant at Carl Berger Associates. n
the statewide association of local, state, corporate and non- profit economic development professionals. PEDA’s mission is to promote sound economic development policies, provide leading-edge economic development educa- tion and nurture an effective statewide economic develop- ment network to foster the economic health of the Com- monwealth. PEDA’s Membership is com- prised of county and regional economic developers, state gov- ernment economic development employees, utility and trans- portation executives, industrial development authority direc- tors, operators of industrial and technology incubators, chamber of commerce executives, mu- nicipal directors of community and economic development, engineering and construction executives, economic develop- ment finance professionals, commercial and industrial de- velopers, and local, county, and state elected officials. PEDA welcomes individual economic development profes- sionals and organizations, The Maryland Economic De- velopmentAssociation (MEDA) enhances the knowledge and skills of its members and en- courages partnerships and networking among those com- mitted to bringing jobs and investment to Maryland. About MEDA MEDA is a nonprofit organi- zation of economic development professionals. Established in 1961, MEDA members pro- mote the economic well being of Maryland by working to improve the states business cli- mate and the professionalism of those in the field of economic development. The MEDA membership in- cludes economic development practitioners employed by gov- ernment, business, chambers of commerce and other profession- als with an interest in the econ- omy of Maryland. Through its regular meetings, special pro- grams and projects, members address such diverse issues as local planning, workforce, transportation, international trade, tourism and finance. The MEDA Membership Committee, chaired by Danny
allied professional organiza- tions, and public officials as Members. Networking PEDA membership provides access to an extensive and var- ied professional resource and legislative network. With al- most 400 Members, the diverse field of economic development is broadly represented across Pennsylvania. As the primary statewide organization representing eco- nomic development profession- als, PEDA provides limitless opportunities to engage in dialogue that supports local, regional and state economic development initiatives. PEDAprovides opportunities at our two annual conferences for economic development pro- fessionals and organizations
Virginia Beach Development Authority awards $500,000 grant
The Maryland Economic Development Association enhances the knowledge and skills of its members
Thompson and Anita Jackson, acts as a liaison between mem- bers and the board of directors. The Membership Committee also introduces new members to the organization. MEDA memb e r s wo r k throughout the state and share the common goal of improving the state’s business climate. Members come from several diverse groups: Private sector professionals with an interest in economic development. State officials involved in economic development, work-
force development, community development, land planning, minority business, the environ- ment, and other key areas. Local public sector employees involved in economic develop- ment programs in counties and municipalities. Other members include na- tional and international eco- nomic development leaders, transportation leaders, busi- ness consultants, and educa- tors. For more information about MEDA, please visit their web- site at: www.medamd.com n
continued from page 27A Accessing economic development . . .
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