A — January 25 - February 7, 2013 — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal www.marejournal.com M id A tlantic R eal E state J ournal A uctions Mid Atlantic R eal E state J ournal N e w J e r s e y • P e n n s y lva n i a • D e l awa r e • M a ry l a n d • W a s h i n g t o n D . C . • V i r g i n i a • Auctioneers Directory NJ-PA-DE-NY-MD-VA DE, PA, NJ PA-MD-VA-W.VA
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REO AUCTION Former Bar Restaurant / Night Club + 2 Residential Apartments & Liquor License
Philadelphia, PA
Oren Klein, License # AS010110 ,QLWLDO'HSRVLW%X\HU¶V3UHPLXP%URNHU&RRS On-site Auction: Tuesday, 2/12 @ 1:00 pm 5835 - 5839 Rising Sun Ave., Philadelphia, PA Two Story 6,685±sf Mixed-Use Commercial Building and 2 Vacant Residential Units Located in the Lawncrest section of Northern Philadelphia
888.243.3431 www.AuctionAdvisors.com Oren Klein | Joshua Olshin | Jeremy Sandel
The Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal, 1/4 pg, Jan. 25 Issue
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