Sublimer 3mm and 6mm

6. Take the print and line up the Sublimer product on the print. Place it slowly and carefully on the press, with the print on top. • Do NOT use heat tape to secure the print to the Sublimer, it will leave marks on the Sublimer. You may let heat tape go from the print to the Teflon sheet, but not on the sublimer.

7. Press the Sublimer with the above time and temp.

8. Next to the press, place 2 sheets of normal copy paper on the table.

9. When pressing time is up, work very fast, remove the print from the Sublimer, and place the sublimer immediately on one of the sheets of copy paper, followed by the second sheet of copy paper. Now place a heavy object on top, for example, a ream(pack) of copy paper to keep the sublimer flat. Use more than one pack of paper if needed.

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