

Hoarding: Authorities take softer approach to obsession

Pigeon notes, “If they are forced tomove,


They go to the store every day to buy the


notes the chief. “We have to ensure that

same items,” observes Pigeon. “They have



there is no immediate threat to life and to

so many objects that they confine

professional are contacted by authorities

ensure that hoarders are not a risk to

themselves to a tiny space within their

Hoarders. For many people in

whenever they encounter hoarders. “It is

themselves or to others.”


Prescott-Russell that is much more than

easy to enter a place and empty it out. But

Often, the accumulation of objects can

In many cases, emergency exits are

the title of a popular TV show.

now we are also trying to deal with the

make buildings dangerous for occupants,


“We have hoarders in Hawkesbury,

mental health aspect. We ask them if they

aswell as fire fighters, police or paramedics.

close to flammable products.

Alfred-Plantagenet, The Nation, all over

would like help from a mental health

“We see places where there is much

Authorities usually find out about

Prescott-Russell,” says Hawkesbury Fire

worker. Often, they accept help,” relates

stuff you can hardly find the sink or stove.

hoarders from by-law officers, neighbours

Chief Ghislain Pigeon. “We get a call

Pigeon. “By working with psychological

People accumulate all sorts of things –

or concerned family members. “We try to

about a hoarder almost every week.”

experts, social services agencies and their

cardboard boxes, newspapers. Many just

resolve the problem with the help of the

Like the people in the television

families, hoarders can be helped.”

keep acquiring things that they do not need.

building owner. Often, hoarders are not

program, many local residents

the owners of their homes. Many of the

obsessively collect items of little value.

hoarders are already known to social

Their homes are filled with cardboard

services agencies because hoarding is a

Enjoy The Skin You’re In

containers, grocery bags, empty soup

symptom of other problems they have,”

cans. In some cases, the clutter becomes a

notes Pigeon.

safety hazard.

video, as well as other YouTube videos, a

Fortunately, Pigeon and other public


Facebook page and an “app” that mimics

officials are learning more about the

the effects of tanning, to raise awareness

illness and how to deal with this disorder

among youth about the dangers and

A video produced by the Eastern

that affects two per cent of the overall

undesirable effects of indoor tanning. In

Ontario Health Unit is being used by the


addition to causing eye damage and

City of Ottawa and Ottawa Public Health

Local fire departments, municipalities

premature aging of the skin, use of tanning

On g l e s De Belleza Nail technician 613 632-0679 277, MAIN E., HAWKESBURY ON K6A 1A6

to warn teenagers about the dangers of

and social services agencies are working

beds before the age of 35 increases the risk


with the Canadian Mental Health

of melanoma by 75%, according to the

Thevideo, Epic Tan Fail ,ispartofalarger


Canadian Cancer Society. Melanoma is the

social media campaign called

Enjoy the

and less “drastic” responses.

deadliest form of skin cancer and one of the

SkinYou’reIn ,targetedatyouthbetweenthe

“In the past, when a potential fire risk

most common types of cancer in young

ages of 16 and 18 in Eastern Ontario. The

was identified, fire fighters would go in

Ontarians aged 15 to 29. It’s also one of the

Epic Tan Fail video uses humour to deliver

with a dumpster and clean out all the

most preventable.


objects,” recalls Pigeon. “But now we

The Enjoy the Skin You’re In campaign

tanning among youth and promoting the

realize that this is not always the best

was spearheaded by Ottawa Public Health

health benefits and beauty of natural skin

course of action. For the hoarders, this is

in partnership with the Canadian Cancer

colour. “We’re proud to participate in a

a drastic response and can only make the

Society, Cancer Care Ontario, the EOHU,

campaign aimed at raising awareness about

situation worse. They are losing their

Leeds, Grenville and LanarkDistrict Health

the health risks of indoor tanning,” says Dr.

possessions which they cherish.”

Unit, and Renfrew County and District


Compulsive accumulators often become

Health Unit.

“We hope the video will put the adverse

angry or anxious at the mere suggestion

Epic Tan Fail is available on the EOHU’s

physical effects of indoor tanning in

that they get rid of some of their objects.

perspective for youth.”

One of the goals of the new approach

information about the campaign, visit

The campaign is using the Epic Tan Fail

is to limit the use of evictions.

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