The Fundamentals - 1910: Vol.4

86 The Fundamentals Now all this is what is denominated Biblical criticism. It is a jumble of mere hypotheses, imaginings and assertions, brought forward often without even the shadow of proof, and with np real certainty. Still, in these times it represents itself to thousands of nominal Christians and to hundreds of miserably deceived theological students who are to become preachers of God’s word, as being the “assured results of the latest scientific research.” May God have mercy, if such is the case! WHAT ARE THE FRUITS OF THIS CRITICISM? Now, if these people were of the truth, and if they would only believe Him who says, “I am the way, the truth and the life,” they would not be under the necessity of tediously working their way through the numerous publications (statis­ tics show that there appear in Europe and America annually some eight hundred of these works) ; but they would find in His teaching a simple and sure means for testing the character of these critical doctrines. “Ye shall know them by their fruits,” is what Christ says of the false teachers who came in His name. “Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?” (Matt. 7:16). Are the fruits of modern criticism good ? Where are the grapes or figs that grow on this thorn- bush? Has not this criticism already robbed, and perhaps forever, thousands of people' of their first love, their un­ doubting faith, and their joyous hope? Has it not sowed dissension, fostered pride and self-conceit, and injured before all the world the authority of both the church and its minis­ ters? Has it not offended Christ’s “little ones?” (Matt. 18:6, 7). And does it not every day furnish the enemies of God with opportunities for deriding and scorning the truth? Where are the souls that it has led to God—comforting, strengthening, purifying and sanctifying them? Where are the individuals who even in the hour of death have continued to rejoice in the benefits of this criticism?

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