Populo Spring 2017

the two superpowers, which proved such a severe threat of nuclear escalation in the early years of the 1960s. However, as testament to how far nuclear relations had progressed between the two countries, tensions were quickly alleviated with the commencement of the Glassboro summit between the powers a few days later. The issues discussed in this essay demonstrate a turbulent and unparalleled time in Cold War nuclear politics. In no other decade would there be such a shift in philosophy not only regarding nuclear weapons but also how both the U.S. and Soviet Union perceived each other entirely. Although fallout of the Cuban Crisis jumpstarted reform in nuclear policy and the reduction of tensions, this essay has highlighted that further events including China’s acqu isition of the bomb brought with it closer relations between the superpowers. However, reduction of tensions was not always guaranteed as the two sides clashed over seemingly unrelated conflicts, in which the prospect of nuclear escalation loomed in the background. On more than one occasion progress talks, which would greater, reduce nuclear tensions were often obstructed by hardliners and sacrificed in preservation of stature. The Glassboro Summit represents the culmination of the many achievements made regarding nuclear policy in the 1960s as both sides could now come together to negotiate nuclear treaties even in a time of heightened tensions.


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