Populo Spring 2017

Bibliography Ann Curthoys et al, Aboriginal History, 1st edn (Canberra: ANU Printing, 2001), p. 116 <http://press- files.anu.edu.au/downloads/press/p72971/pdf/book.pdf?refere r=1063> [accessed 29 April 2016]. Australianstogether.org, "The Stolen Generations", Australians Together, 2016 <http://www.australianstogether.org.au/stories/detail/the- stolen-generations> [accessed 29 April 2016]. BBC, "How Do You Define Genocide?", BBC News, 2016 <http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-11108059> [accessed 26 April 2016]. FMS, "False Memory Syndrome Foundation", Fmsfonline.org, 2013 <http://www.fmsfonline.org/?ginterest=CreatingFalseMemori es> [accessed 30 April 2016]. Moses, Dirk, Genocide and Holocaust Consciousness in Australia, 1st edn (Sydney: University of Sydney, 2016), <http://www.dirkmoses.com/uploads/7/3/8/2/7382125/moses_ genholoconsaustralia.pdf> [accessed 28 April 2016]. Nersessian, David, "Rethinking Cultural Genocide Under International Law", Carnegiecouncil.org, 2005 <https://www.carnegiecouncil.org/publications/archive/dialog ue/2_12/section_1/5139.html/:pf_printable> [accessed 27 April 2016] NMA, "National Museum Of Australia - National Apology", Nma.gov.au, 2016 <http://www.nma.gov.au/online_features/defining_moments/f eatured/national_apology> [accessed 1 May 2016]. Racismnoway, "The Stolen Generations | Fact Sheet", Racismnoway.com.au, 2016 <http://www.racismnoway.com.au/teaching- resources/factsheets/52.html> [accessed 30 April 2016]. Stone, Brett, "Report Details Crimes against Aborigines - World Socialist Web Site", Wsws.org, 1999


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