Irvine Senior Connection - Fall 2023

Cultural Organizations

Irvine Korean Adult League 어바인 한인회 (상록회)

Irvine Evergreen Chinese Senior Association

Irvine Korean Adult League (IKAL) is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide social and wellness programs for Korean-American seniors in the community. For more information, contact Charlie Choi: or 949-771-4481. 어바인 한인회 (상록회)는 비영리 단체로써 한인 노인들에게 유익한 소셜과 웰빙을 위한 프로그램을 재공합니다 더 자세한 정보 Charlie Choi: or 949-771-4481.

Irvine Evergreen Chinese Senior Association (IECSA) is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to encourage Chinese-American seniors to develop a social network to enhance quality of life. The IECSA bulletin board at Lakeview Senior Center has a schedule of the programs. More info: or 949-899-0603. 爾灣華人松柏會 本會為非牟利,非政治,非宗教之組織. 目的在於 促進爾灣及隣近地區年長華人及當地其他居民 之交誼,並謀求年長華人之福利. 爾灣松柏會所 有活動時間表已公佈於湖景老人中心之佈告欄. 聯絡人 or 949-899-0603. Meetings 3rd Saturdays 10am–4pm LSC

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Fall 2023


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