the end of the Cold War and the cooperation that it started in the region it enables this report to focus on the strategies of Russia, USA and Canada to see whether these countries are breaking away from this cooperation. By looking at the policies of Arctic nations, it can be determined what the countries see the future of the Arctic as and whether they are preparing for cooperation or conflict. STRATEGIES OF ARCTIC STATES Russia
KEY QUOTE “Siberia alone is estimated to hold oil reserves equal to the Middle East” 21
Russia’s large Arctic coastline, covering almost half of the latitudinal circle, puts it in a good place to influence Arctic affairs. Russian activity in the Arctic is vital to Russia, and up to 20% of Russia’s GDP comes from inside the Arctic Circle. 341 In addition to this, as the Arctic becomes more susceptible to extracting resources, security in the region will become important as up to 70% of the Arctic’s undiscovered resources are in the Russian sector. 342 343 Therefore, protecting the Arctic is of vital importance to Russia and in addition to this, Russia is aware that it can only claim to be a world superpower on two fronts. Firstly, oil and gas resources and the revenue that that results in and secondly, their power as a nuclear force. 344 This may be why, despite problems with the
341 Järvenpää and Ries, p.138. 342 Ibid. pp. 138-139.
343 Ibid., p.138. 344 Ibid. p.135.
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