Populo Summer 2017

Causing Tension

Promoting peace and cooperation

Planting of Russian Flag on seabed of North Pole in 2007. 347 Underwater missile launches resumed in 2006, 11 years af ter suspension due to lack of resources. 349 In 2006, there were 14 Russian strategic bombers identified flying across the Norwegian Coast, in 2007, this number was 88 which was higher than the total sum of the previous 10 years flights. 351 In 2007, after a 15 year absence, Russia restarted their Long range aviation patrols from the Atlantic, across the Arctic and in to the Pacific. 353

Member of Partnership for Peace programme along with Norway, Finland and Sweden. 348 Russian and NATO cooperation on aircraft radar, with each giving full access to radar. 350 Russia and Norway participate in annual POMOR exercises which simulate events which could happen in either state. 352

Barents Euro-Arctic cooperation. 354

347 Järvenpää and Ries, pp.136-137. 348 Michal Luszczuk, ‘Military Cooperation and Enhanced Arctic Security in the Context of Climate Change and Growing Global Interest in the Arctic’, in Future Security of the Global Arctic: State Policy, Economic Security and Climate , ed.by Lassi Heininen (Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016), pp.35-54 (p.44). 349 Zysk, p.93. 350 Luszczuk, p.44. 351 Zysk, p.86. 352 Luszczuk, pp.42-43 353 Zysk, p.86. 354 Luszczuk, p.41.


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