Populo Summer 2017

The table shows that Russia is adopting a policy in the Arctic that is not promoting cooperation but not wanting a war in the Arctic. Russia does not want a military conflict in the Arctic, however cannot risk not preparing for conflict if it does arise in future. The Russian Federation’s strategy until 2020 document outlines that the energy resources in the Arctic are of such importance to Russia that it could not count out military forces in the future to solve any issues that arise. 355 What is clear is that Russia views oil reserves in the Arctic as an asset

worth protecting, and it has also made it clear that it views NATO as a foreign military presence which could turn in to an armed conflict. 356 Therefore, although Russia wants cooperation in the Arctic and

Figure 2: A map showing the locations of Russian bases in the Arctic. It shows how Russia has numerous bases in the region. Source: http://static1.businessinsider.com/image/55c50ab3371d22c6 178bca77-1200- 1062/bi_graphics_russia's%20militarization%20of%20the% 20arctic_05.png

355 Järvenpää and Ries, p.137. 356 Zysk, p.98-99.


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