Populo Summer 2017


Chapman, William L, ‘Arctic Climate Change: Recent and Projected’, Swords and Ploughshares edition ‘Global Security, Climate Change, and the Arctic’, Bulletin of the Program in Arms Control, Disarmament, and International Security, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 17.3 (2009), 5-10 Comber, Alexander, review of Voices from the Arctic Convoys , by Peter C. Brown, The International Journal of Maritime History , 27.3 (2015), 580- 581 Gove, David, ‘Arctic Melt: Reopening a Naval Frontier?’, US Naval Institute Proceedings , 135.2 (2009), 16-21 Haftendorn, Helga, ‘NATO and the Arctic: is the Atlantic alliance a cold war relic in a peaceful region now faced with non-military challenges?’, European Security , 20.3 (2011), 337-361 International Arctic Security Regime’, in Arctic Security In An Age Of Climate Change , 2nd edn, ed. by James Kraska (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013), 193-217 Huebert, Rob, ‘Canada and the Newly Emerging Järvenpää, Pauli and Tomas Ries, ‘The Rise of the Arctic on the Global Stage, in Arctic Security In An Age Of Climate Change , 2nd edn, ed. by James Kraska (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013), 129-144 Käpylä, Juha and Harri Mikkola, ‘Arctic Conflict Potential: Towards an Extra-Arctic Perspective’,


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