Populo Summer 2017

Evans, Jennifer C., 'Hijacking Civil Liberties: The USA PATRIOT Act of 2001', Loyola University Chicago Law Journal , 33.4 (2002), 933–990 Ganor, Boaz, 'Are counterterrorism frameworks based on suppression and military force effective in responding to terrorism?', in Contemporary Debates on Terrorism , ed. by Richard Jackson and Samuel Justin Sinclair (Abingdon: Routledge, 2012), pp. 137–143 Goldenberg, Suzanne, ‘You’ll die with whimper,’ Moussaoui told (The Guardian, 2006), <https://www.theguardian.com/world/2006/may/05/ alqaida.september11> [accessed 30 November 2016] Grieco, Joseph M, 'Realist Theory and the Problem of International Cooperation: Analysis with an Amended Prisoner’s Dilemma Model', The Journal of Politics , 50.3 (1988), 600–624 Harvard Law Review Association, 'Responding to Terrorism: Crime, Punishment, and War', Harvard Law Review , 115.4 (2002), 1217–1238 Heywood, Andrew, Global Politics , 2nd edn (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014) Lutz, Brenda and James Lutz, 'Terrorism', in Contemporary Security Studies , ed. by Alan Collins (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013), pp. 273–288 Lutz, James M. and Brenda J. Lutz, 'Democracy and Terrorism', Perspectives on Terrorism , 4.1 (2010), 63–74 Mearsheimer, John J., 'The False Promise of International Institutions', International Security , 19.3 (1994), 5– 49 Meisels, Tamar, 'How Terrorism Upsets Liberty', Political Studies , 53.1 (2005), 162–181


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