new agenda for foreign Policy. 147 It should be noted that Carter avidly pursued arm limitations with the Soviet Union through SALT II (Strategic Arms Limitation Talks), and continued to strengthen links with China. However, human rights as Biden demonstrated, is now part-and-parcel of U.S. thinking and policy abroad and Jimmy Carter’s greatest contribution to American policy during his presidency. Carter’s stance on human rights resulted in three different approaches to the way American conducted its foreign policy. First, American actions against those who rejected their human rights framework was imposed on American allies. Although critics continuously noted Carter’s inconsistency towards this policy, he ensured that pro-American rulers and dictators were not given aid or support until they actively changed their oppressive policies towards their citizens. If they did not, Carter accepted that a change of approach was necessary. Second, he endorsed a frank approach towards the Soviet Union. He gave exposure to dissidents, which in turn gave them a voice to show the USSR’s violations and treatment of its people. Additionally the boycott of the Olympic Games further exposed treatment of human rights groups to the international community. This type of exposure would reduce the appeal of communism. Third, Carter attempted to promote global interdependence. He wanted to move away from the East-West divide, as well as militarism and containment that came with it. This was promoted in his attempts to create better links with Latin America and Africa, but he also used this view to promote
147 Ibid.
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