Safety is one of Melaleuca’s founding principles. That is why we stand by our recommendation that the ingestion of concentrated essential oils should only be considered if directed by a qualified health care practitioner – even though the majority of Melaleuca’s essential oils are considered food grade by the FDA. Essential oils are highly concentrated, and in many cases are up to 100x more powerful than dried herbs! Essential oils contain a variety of highly concentrated, powerful constituents that, when used improperly, can lead to injury and long-term negative health effects. That is why it is irresponsible and potentially dangerous to use ingestion as a measurement of oil quality. Melaleuca’s usage recommendations are aligned with undisputed science, just like our products.
While it is true that PURE Essential Oils and many others are 100% natural, it’s important to realise that caution still needs to be exercised when using them. Many essential oils are so potent that you shouldn’t apply them to your skin unless they are properly diluted. That caution is even more important when you consider the sensitive nature of your internal tissues. It is true that the FDA considers a number of essential oils to be “generally recognised as safe” (GRAS) when used in small amounts for flavouring. The Flavour and Extract Manufacturers
Melaleuca does not advise against the ingestion of PURE Essential Oils because of a quality issue – PURE meets or exceeds every recognised standard of quality – we caution against ingestion because we believe in being responsible, sensible, and adhering to all industry safety guidelines.
Association (FEMA) also maintains a similar food-flavouring list. And when applicable, the majority of Melaleuca’s PURE Essential Oils make those lists (there are some oils neither of these groups feel are safe to ingest even in very small amounts). However, Melaleuca does not believe that a food grade (GRAS or FEMA) designation is the same as saying it’s safe to use essential oils internally for therapeutic purposes. In fact, we believe anyone casually recommending ingestion of undiluted essential oils is acting irresponsibly.
“AIA does not endorse internal therapeutic use…of essential oils unless recommended by a health care practitioner trained at an appropriate clinical level. An appropriate level of training must include chemistry, anatomy, diagnostics, physiology, formulation guidelines and safety issues regarding each specific internal route.” – Alliance of International Aromatherapists
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