How will this virtual course unfold over the 5 week period?
Why is the World Café such a powerful approach for large group events?
Explores the fundamentals of a World Café and provides an overview of the 8 Step World Café design and realization process developed by World Café Europe.
Course participants collaborate together to identify an issue that matters to them as a basis for the design of their own virtual World Café in week 5. Focuses on the ‘invisible’ building blocks of a World Café: purpose, goals, envisioned impact and audience. What are the key questions which lay the foundation for an impactful World Café? Course participants will use this input to formulate the building blocks for their own virtual World Café. Concentrates on the heart of the World Café planning process: concept develop- ment, detailed design and idea harvesting. What are the basic essential components to create and design a World Café? Devotes itself to the facilitation of a virtual or face-to-face World Café in all its dimensions: handling large group dynamics, idea harvesting, visual enabling and documentation of the results. What elements need to be seamlessly integrated for a successful World Café experience? Course participants will develop the questions that matter for their own virtual World Café within the context of its overall design.
Participants will co-create the flow and accompanying storyboard for their own virtual World Café.
Learning by doing - Facilitation of a virtual World Café This final week concentrates on the hosting of and participation in a ‘live’ virtual World Café by the course participants. Inviting non-course participants to take part in this World Café is welcome!
A subsequent de-brief serves to collectively reflect upon the World Café experience.
(c) 2023
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