Responsible Investments Report 2021

Our Responsible Investment approach


Responsible Investment Committee (RIC) While the day-to-day management of ESG topics is handled by the RI and investment teams, NAM’s RI approach is gov- erned by the RI Committee (RIC), chaired by NAM’s CEO Nils Bolmstrand and comprised of senior management represent- ing various departments in the organisation. NAM’s internal RI Committee serves as the highest decision-making body of Responsible Investment within NAM, acting on behalf of all actively managed funds. The RIC keeps an overview of NAM’s RI strategy, engagements and exclusions and determines NAM’s overall ESG investment guidelines, ensuring that NAM follows the intention of the RI policy and always acts in the best interest of clients. It also decides the appropriate reaction when a company is found to breach our guidelines. The RIC may decide to exclude, quaran- tine and/or engage with the company, depending on the type of violation and our ability to influence the company. To sup- port the ESG investment guidelines, the RIC approves and is the owner of NAM’s Responsible Investment Policy, which also details the international conventions we subscribe to and what we require of the companies we invest in.

Corporate Governance team Our Corporate Governance team actively engages with com- panies in which the funds have significant ownership by voting at annual general meetings in accordance with the Corporate Governance Principles. The Corporate Governance team works in close collaboration with the Responsible Investments (RI) team and our Portfolio Managers (PM) to align the steward- ship work especially on important ESG resolutions.

Eric Durhan Head Corporate Governance

Jan Särlvik Corporate Governance Specialist

Responsible Investments Committee

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Quarterly meetings

Chair Asset Management CEO Nils Bolmstrand

Urgent decisions (reacting to incidents and/or breaches) can be taken an same-day basis

Nordea Group Representatives

Head of Responsible Investments

Head of Institu- tional & Whole- sale Distribution

Head of Active Ownership

Communication & Media

Head of Equities & Fixed Income

Head of Product Office

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