Our Responsible Investment overlays
Voting overview 2021
This year we have voted at over 4,200 General Meetings on thousands of proposals, including ESG issues such as climate, data privacy, diversity, as well as remuneration programmes and capital structure. In 2021, our voting covered around 95% of all meetings, which is a big upward shift from 2020, and reflects our ambition to vote in the majority of all general meet- ings in our portfolio companies. We also voted on 100% of the environmental resolutions and supported all the climate-related votes. Our focus on climate is clear also in our voting activities, and based on a recent report from ShareAction, we are one of the top Asset Managers in supporting climate resolutions 21 .
Increasingly we are being invited by companies in the Nordics to join their nomination committees. Membership of nomina- tion committees is a very efficient way to engage with the companies we have large holdings in, and it enables us to drive real change – for instance on the Board gender ratio. During the 2021, we joined 42 Nomination Committees.
Meetings by country USA 23.1%
Sweden 6.3% UK 3.7% Other 47.5%
China 10.5% Japan 8.9%
Meetings by sector
Energy 3.4%
Utilities 3.9%
Voted on more than 95% 4,200 representing around
Communication Services 6.2%
General Meetings
Industrials 16.7%
of all votable meetings
Real estate 6.3%
proposals 100% Voted in
Consumer discretionary 11.8%
of the climate
Consumer staples 8.0%
Alignment with management
Materials 8.1%
Financials 14.1%
11% against
89% for
Heath care 10.1%
Information technology 11.4%
Nomination committees
2021 2019 2020 2018
Examples of important votes are made available in the appendix of this report. More information on our voting is available on our voting portal.
21) ShareAction, Voting Matters 2021 report, available here.
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