Morrone 2000 | Cartilage repair
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Morrone G, Guzzardella GA, Tigani D, Torricelli P, Fini M, Giardino R. Biostimulation of human chondrocytes with Ga-Al-As diode laser: 'in vitro' research. Artif Cells Blood Substit Immobil Biotechnol. 2000 Mar;28(2):193-201.
In vitro study . Methods : The cartilage sample used for the biostimulation treatment was taken from the right knee of a 19-year-old patient. After the chondrocytes were isolated and suspended for cultivation, the cultures were incubated for 10 days. The cultures were divided into four groups. • Groups I, II, III were subject to biostimulation with the following laser parameters: 300 J, 1 W, 100 Hz, 10 min. exposure, pulsating emission; 300 J, 1 W, 300 Hz, 10 min. exposure, pulsating emission; and 300 J, 1 W, 500 Hz, 10 min. exposure, pulsating emission, respectively. • Group IV did not receive any treatment. The laser biostimulation was conducted for five consecutive days. Outcomes : At the end of the treatment, the Calcium, Alkaline Phosphate, MTT tests and proteoglycan were performed to assess cell metabolism and toxicity level. Results The data showed good results in terms of cell viability and levels of Ca and Alkaline Phosphate in the groups treated with laser biostimulation compared to the untreated group.
Laser irradiation provides biostimulation to chondrocytes without cell damage
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