Toyo Ink The Board of Directors of Toyo Ink has appointed Satoru Takashi- ma, the existing Senior Managing Director, to serve as the new Pres- ident and in the new position of COO (Chief Operating Officer). He will replace Katsumi Kitagawa, the current President and Group CEO (Chief Executive Officer). People & Places
Flexo Market News® is published bi-weekly by NV Business Publishers Corporation, in association with Board Converting News®, Corrugated Today® Recycling Markets®, International Paper Board Industry®, Folding Carton Industry®, and Board Converting News International. Marketing and Circulation offices: PO Box 802, Manasquan, NJ 08736-0802, Phone: (732) 245-3702. Subscription Rates in U.S. and Canada $60 per year or $105 for two years. Overseas rate per year $80 USD. Current issue single copies (pre-paid only) $5.00 in U.S. (elsewhere $7.50); add $5.00 per order for shipping & handling. No part of this publication may be trans- mitted or reproduced without permission from the publisher. Eaglewood Seeks Sales Reps (DJOHZRRG 7HFKQRORJLHV D OHDGLQJ VXSSOLHU RI 6$)( 60$57683(5,25SURGXFWVIRUWKH)/(;2PDUNHWVHHNV ,QGHSHQGHQW )/(;2 VDOHV UHSUHVHQWDWLYHV LQ WKH (DVWHUQ DQG :HVWHUQ UHJLRQV RI WKH 86 WR UHSUHVHQW RXU JURZLQJ SURGXFWSRUWIROLR Please send your inquiries to Petej@eaglewoodtech.com Subscriber Services For change of address, missed issues and other subscription questions call: (317) 306-1060 or email: flexo@nvpublications.com
Satoru Takashima
Pamarco Pamarco Europe has made a number of additions to its manufacturing team. Steve Person has been appointed Quality Manag- er in May of 2019 and brings technical experience from his 23 years in print, with 13 of those years in anilox manufacturing. Gary Carpino has been named Plant Manager from a career of process improvement in engi- neering and operational leadership. Steve Mortimer also joins Pamarco as General Manager - Europe. Glyn McKay moved from Plant Manager into a new position as Technical Manager. Finally, James Fogg joins the Parmaco Europe team. Container Graphics Vice President and Regional Manager William (Bill) Beaker has retired from Container Graphics. Beaker began his career in the cutting die indus- try in 1977 as a die maker with Tech Steel Rule Die in Marysville, Michigan. Tech Steel Rule Die was acquired by Container Graphics in 1982. Over the next many years Beaker rose through the company as Production Manager, Sales Manag- er, General Manager, and Regional Manager.At the time of his retirement he had worked more than 43 years for the company and was a member of its Board of Directors. Rotocontrol Francisco Soto has been named Director of Sales for Latin America and Caribbean for Rotocontrol.
Robyn Smith - President/Publisher Len Prazych - Vice President
Greg Kishbaugh - Editor/Co-Publisher Phone: (317) 306-1060 email: flexo@nvpublications.com
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