FMN | March 16th, 2020

FPA Awards (Cont’d from Page 1) An increasing trend seen for this year’s competition is the number of entries that contain both matte and spot gloss aspects. The transition of products previously packaged in rigid containers to flexible packaging was also seen as a growing trend. Several of the entries also addressed consumer con- venience, making it easier for the consumers to shop, transport, dispense from, and use flexible packaging. The Highest Achievement Award went to AeroF- lexx, from Innventure, which also won Gold Awards for Expanding the Use of Flexible Packaging; Packag- ing Excellence; Shelf Impact; Sustainability; andTechni- cal Innovation.AeroFlexx uses an air frame to integrate tailored rigidity into a flexible film, creating a package with no discreet closure; clean and controlled one handed dispensing functionality; a 360 degree palette for branding; a structure that is e-commerce complaint without additional protection, all with at least 50 per- cent less plastic than a bottle.

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In addition to its bi-weekly print edition, Flexo Market News also offers unprecented online reach for advertisers, as well. * Every ad in our print edition appears in our online edition, which includes a link back to your company’s website. • Banner ad opportunities exist at both and

Printpack won a Gold Award — Printing for Stacy’s Women’s History Month Packaging.

Printpack won a Gold Award — Printing for Sta- cy’sWomen’s History Month Packaging.This collection of limited edition packages tells the story of a female entrepreneur’s journey to success and is designed to inspire and support female entrepreneurs. The pack- aging’s purpose is to connect and align the brand, fe- male entrepreneurs, and supporters of female-founded businesses. These were sold online through the Unit- ed Way to help fund new and emerging businesses to celebrate Women’s History Month and as part of the Stacy’s Rise Project. Plastic Packaging Technologies won a Gold Award — Packaging Excellence ; Silver Award — Sus- tainability ; and Silver Award — Technical Innova- tion for Hill’s All PE “Recyclable” Pet Treat Bags.These all PE laminated bags reportedly allowed the interna-

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(Cont’d on Page 9)

4 March 16, 2020 Flexo Market News

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