“Utilizing the information and links in this article in conjunction with proper documentation of your activities will increase your eligible reimbursement and likelihood of retaining the much-needed funds.”
8 Improved property is any structure, facility, or item of equipment that was constructed, built, or manufactured. Land used for agricultural purposes is not improved property. 44 CFR § 206.221(d). 9 44 CFR § 206.224(a). 10 PAAPG FP 104-009-2/April 2017; p. 53. 11 Ibid. 12 PAPPG FP 104-009-2/April 2017; p. 54. 13 Statutory Reference: 23 U.S.C. 120(e) and 125, Sections 1107 and 1508 of MAP- 21 (Public Law 112-1410; Sections 1112 and 1937 of the 2005 SFAETEA-LU (Public Law 109-59). 14 A Guide to the Federal-aid Highway Emergency Relief Program; www.fhwa.dot. gov/specialfunding/er/guide.pdf. 15 For nomenclature purposes, those roadways that provide a high level of mobility are called “Arterials;” those that provide a high level of accessibility are called “Locals;” and those that provide a more balanced blend of mobility and access are called “Collectors;” Highway Functional Classification Concepts, Criteria and Procedures, p. 6 https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/planning/processes/ statewide/related/highway_functional_classifications/fcauab.pdf. 16 For disasters declared post October 1, 2016, the small project minimum threshold is $3,100 up to the large project threshold of $123,100. New thresholds may be implemented for post October 1, 2017 declarations based on the annual Consumer Price Index (CPI) Adjustments. 17 Direct Administrative Costs: are costs incurred by the Recipient or Sub-Recipient that can be identified separately and assigned to a specific project. Such costs can include staff’s time to conduct an initial inspection, prepare and submit a PW, collect and disseminate documentation, and make interim and final inspections of the project. 18 Public Assistance Alternative Procedures Pilot Program for Debris Removal FAQs, June 28, 2015. 19 Public Assistance Program Interim Guidance on 2 CFR Part 200, December 26, 2014. 20 https://www.ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/text-idx?SID=6f8ac4543ccbb4052e901eb9d030ae 5a&mc=true&node=pt2.1.200&rgn=div5. 21 2 CFR § 200.320(f).
Skip Cerminaro
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