• Debris collection and removal plan
Additional information about the Public Assistance Alternative Procedures (PAAP) Pilot Program for Debris Removal may be found at https://www.fema.gov/ alternative-procedures. Contract Procurement All entities receiving funding through the Public Assistance Program for contracted eligible work must, at a minimum, comply with federal procurement standards. Written procurement procedures must also have been established prior to the declared disaster they may be involved in. Previously, 44 CFR § 13.36 contained the regulations concerning contract procurement and was used for guidance and compliance for the Public Assistance Program. 2 CFR 200 was adopted in its entirety on December 26, 2014 and now supersedes 44 CFR § 13.36 for all declarations after December 26, 2014. Part 13 has been removed from Title 44 of the Code of Regulations (CFR). 19 2 CFR 200, UNIFORM ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS, COST PRINCIPLES, AND AUDIT REQUIREMENTS FOR FEDERAL AWARDS contains 521 sections and 12 appendices. 20 Local governments and sub- recipients should follow 2 CFR 200.317 – 326 if they have or plan to procure services that may be funded under the Public Assistance Program. FEMA has created a procurement checklist for non-federal entities (NFEs) to aid them in complying with federal procurement requirements. The following are examples and not all inclusive of the questions:
• Temporary debris management sites and disposal locations
• Debris removal on private property
• Use and procurement of contracted services
• Use of force account labor
• Debris operations monitoring
• Health and safety requirements
• Environmental considerations and other regulatory requirements
• Public information
• Identify one or more pre-qualified debris and wreckage removal contractors (identifying does not create a stand-by contract)
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