Populo Summer 2021

Table of Contents

Editors’ Introduction..........................................................................................p.5 Gabriel Chalkley, “Critically discuss the view that poor leadership was the main reason for the defeat of German forces during Operation Overlord” (WS-306)..... ...........................................................................................................................p. 6 Peter Dixon, “What impact did the Watergate Scandal have in terms of undermining confidence in the American political system?” (AM-251).........p. 16 Amelie Higgins, “Do deliberative, sortition based Citizen Assemblies represent ‘a better way of doing democracy’ (as Renwick claims)? Explain and justify your answer” (PO-131)............................................................................................p. 23 Iwan Taylor-Evans, “Why was terrorism such a prevalent force in America between 1906 and 1920?” (AM-338)..............................................................p. 29 Sam Tucker, “Critically evaluate the evolving representation of the gun in Western narratives” (HUA301).......................................................................p. 39 Anna Ustinova, “Globalisation and global issues: what were the main causes of the 1930s economic depression and ‘de-globalisation’?” (PO-222)................p. 49 Elena Volz, “To what extent (if any) can the legacies of colonial rule in Rwanda be held responsible for the eruption of widespread genocidal atrocities in Rwanda in 1994?” (PO-256).........................................................................................p. 56


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