Populo Summer 2021

Bibliography African Rights , Rwanda: Death, Despair, and Defiance (London: African Rights, 1995) Chossudovsky, Michel, ‘Human security and economic genocide in Rwanda’, in Globalization, Human Security and the African Experience , ed. by Caroline Thomas and Peter Wilkin (Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 1999) Desthexhe, Alain, Rwanda and Genocide in the Twentieth Century (London: Pluto, 1995) Hintjens, Helen M., ‘Explaining the 1994 Genocide in Rwanda’, Journal of Modern African Studies, 37.2 (1999), 241-286 Jones, Adam, ‘Gender and Genocide in Rwanda’, Journal of Genocide Research, 4.1 (2002), 65-94 Jones, Adam, Genocide: A Comprehensive Introduction (Abingdon: Routledge, 2006). Gourevitch, Philip, We wish to inform you that tomorrow we will be killed with our families: Stories from Rwanda (London: Picador, 2000) Kamola, Isaac A., ‘The Global Coffee Economy and the Production of Genocide in Rwanda’, Third World Quarterly , 28.3 (2007), 571-592 Kuperman, Alan J., ‘Provoking Genocide: A Revised History of the Rwandan Patriotic Front’, Journal of Genocide Research, 6.1 (2004), 61-84 Lemarchand, Rene, Rwanda and Burundi (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1970) Linden, Ian, Church and Revolution in Rwanda (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1997) Mamdani, Mahmood, When Victims Become Killers: Colonialism, Nativism and the Genocide in Rwanda (Princeton: Princeton UP, 2001) Melvern, Linda, A People Betrayed: The Role of the West in Rwanda’s Genocide (London: Zed, 2000)


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