0.8241.26 9 Functions 93 mm

FARMER ALOX 01. Blade, large 02. Can opener with 03. – Screwdriver 3 mm 04. Bottle opener with 05. – Screwdriver 7 mm

06. – Wire stripper 07. Reamer, punch 08. Wood saw 09. Key ring

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10 0.8241.26

We recommend case 7 8 9 , which you can find on page 128–129.

0.8271.26 10 Functions 93 mm

FARMER X ALOX 01. Blade, large 02. Can opener with 03. – Screwdriver 3 mm 04. Bottle opener with 05. – Screwdriver 7 mm

06. – Wire stripper 07. Reamer, punch 08. Scissors 09. Wood saw 10. Key ring

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10 0.8271.26

We recommend case 7 8 9 , which you can find on page 128–129.


Packaging unit




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