Peak Motion: Sciatica & Back Pain Relief


November, 2019

STAND TALLER WITH SCIATICA & BACK PAIN RELIEF INSIDE: • Tips For Sciatica Relief • Sudoku Puzzle • Patient Success Spotlight • Healthy Recipe


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Common culprits of sciatica development include weakness in the gluteal muscles or tightness in the piriformis muscle, as they can compress and irritate the sciatic nerve. Common sciatica symptoms: Thesciaticasymptoms reported from patients tend to vary. Some may experienceadeepache in thebuttocks,whileothers experienceaseverepain radiatingdownoneof their legs. It isalsopossible to feela tinglingornumbness in the back of the leg, calf, or foot. If left too long withoutpropertreatment, irritationcanbecomemore severe and affect the strength of your leg muscles. Common sciatica treatment: The safest, easiest, and most effective mode of sciatica treatment is throughphysical therapy.Physical therapyexamines the rootcauseofpressureon thenerveandworks to quickly alleviate that pressure. Our licensed physical therapistswillanalyze themovementsof themuscles surrounding thesciaticnerve, inaddition to theback and hip joints. They will design an individualized treatment plan based on the specific needs of each patient, in order to strengthen the affectedmuscles, improve joint flexibility, and prevent problems from occurring again in the future.

Did you know that over 80% of people across the world will suffer an episode of back pain at some point in their lifetime? If you are suffering from back pain or sciatica, you know how hindering it can be. With chronic back pain, radiating leg pain, or stinging sensations across the sciatic nerve, it can be difficult to live your life to the fullest. If you find yourself in pain when bending down, standing up, or lifting objects, it’s time to see a physical therapist. At Fyzical, we are fully equipped to treat any back pain you may be experiencing. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and find out more about how our services can benefit you! The differences between back pain and sciatica: It can be difficult sometimes to determine the differences between general back pain and sciatica. Sciatica is a specific type of back pain that is caused by a compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve. Yoursciaticnerve is the largestnerve inyourbody– it is approximately 2 centimeters wide, extending all the way down your back, your buttocks, underneath the piriformis muscle, and to the backs of your legs and your feet. It is made up of several nerves that exityour lowerback from the lumbarandsacral levels (L4-S3), transmitting sensation and muscle control.

Within weeks I was happily taking the stairs at work! "After an old ankle injury prevented me from walking more than 10 minutes or taking stairs, I called Peak Motion for help. Within weeks I was happily taking the stairs at work and walking all over again! Thanks to Mike, Jonathon, and the whole staff for helping me enjoy the outdoors again!” - Alexandra H. PATIENT SUCCESS SPOTLIGHT

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