كتاب غرب المتوسط

– CALLEYA Stephen C., Security Challenges in the Euro - Med Area in the 21 st Century – Mare Nostrum (London: Routledge, 2013). – CANTORI Louis J. and SPIEGEL Steven L., The International Politics of Regions : a Comparative Approach (Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1970). – CARPENTIER Jean et LEBRUN François (dir.), Histoire de la Méditerranée (Paris: Éditions du Seuil, 2017). – CHANTEBOUT Bernard, L’organisation générale de la défense nationale en France depuis la fin de la seconde guerre mondiale (Paris: Librairie générale de droit et de jurisprudence, 1967). – CHEHAB May, IOANNOU Yannis et METRAL Françoise (dir.), Méditerranée : ruptures et continuités (Lyon: Maison de l’Orient, 2003). – CHUBIN Shahram, HOFFMAN Bruce and ROSENAU William, The United States , Europe and the Middle East (Santa Monica: RAND, 2004). – COCKBURN Patrick, Le retour des djihadistes : aux racines de l’État islamique (Paris: Équateurs, 2014). – COKBURN Patrick, The Rise of Islamic State : ISIS and the New Sunni Revolution (London: Verso, 2015). – COLE Peter and MCQUINN Brian (eds.), The Libyan Revolution and its Aftermath (New York: Oxford University Press, 2015). – COSER Lewis A., The Functions of Social Conflict (Londo: Routledge, 2001 [1st ed. 1956]). – COSKUN Bazen Balamir, " Regionalism and Securitization: the Case of the Middle East ", in Cilja Harders and Matteo Legrenzi (eds.), Beyond Regionalism? Regional Cooperation , Regionalism and Regionalization in the Middle


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