Your guide to civil ceremonies in Argyll and Bute


‘From first contacting the Registry Office, to the morning of our big day, the registrar made everything so relaxing and stress free which was perfect for us.’

Kayleigh Scott Photography

What forms do you need to fill in? For both civil and religious ceremonies both parties to the marriage must complete Marriage Notice M10 form. These can be obtained from any registrar’s office in Scotland or downloaded from marriage/ or the National Records of Scotland website ( These can then be submitted to the registrar in the district where you are getting married (along with supporting documents and a fee). The earliest you can submit your notices is three months before the date of marriage and no later than 29 days, however,

it is advisable that you allow six to eight weeks. If you are not a British Citizen you may have to obtain further documentation. For couples who may be subject to immigration control they will not require entry clearance for the purpose of giving notice for marriage, however, it will be required for immigration purposes. Contact the UK Border Agency Immigration Enquiry Bureau to find out about entry requirements for the UK under immigration rules. What is a Marriage Schedule A Marriage Schedule is a legal document and it is very important as it allows the

marriage to go ahead, no marriage can take place without it. It is issued when the registrar is satisfied that there is no legal impediment to getting married. You will sign the marriage schedule at your civil marriage ceremony. What charges must be paid? A list of current statutory registration fees are available from any registrar’s office. These fees are subject to change though so it is best to check in advance. Current fees are also available on our website, www.


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