The Federation of Abbey Infant & Junior School Curriculum Map for Reception. 2022-23- Summer term For specific class information see For dates see Our topic is ‘ Fantasy Island ’ with a focus on ‘ Make Believe and Beside the Seaside ’ Through this topic we will be building on children’s previous knowledge of the seaside; developing vocabulary, imagination, stories and ideas with their peers. We will also have a strong focus on using imagination promoted through texts such as ‘The Gruffalo’ and other traditional tales. We will be having an exciting ‘ Beach party ’ event in school. Your children will also have the opportunity to dress up as a superhero, something pirate themed and take part in a ‘ Gruffalo Day ’ . This year there will also be a ‘ Coronation celebration ’ in school to celebrate the King’s Coronation .
Communication and language
Physical Development In P.E. children will be using story to practise large and small movements to develop more advanced skills such as collecting, carrying and balancing objects. This includes moving safely in a variety of ways and changing direction with the objects. They will be developing fine motor skills through different activities to include practise of letter formation, pencil control and number formation. Children will practise threading, tracing, lacing, scissor control and using tweezers too. Children will participate in discussions about preparing for Year One; children will freely speak and listen to each other’s ideas, concerns and thoughts. Children will use the role-play areas to develop a narrative in their play and express themselves confidently. They will carry on extending their vocabulary using concept words that are becoming more complex such as narrow and both. They will also continue to develop language linked to stories and through new topics.
Phonics & early reading
Children will be blending sounds in words, including digraphs e.g. ng in r-i-ng (2 letters making one sound) and trigraphs (3 letters making one sound e.g. igh in n- igh-t). They will be reading short sentences including a range of tricky words from phase 2 (I, no, go, to, into) and phase 3 (you, me, was, they, all, are, we, my, her, be, she) and phase 4 (said, like, there, when, so, do, there, when, some, little, out, come, one, what, have, were). Children will learn new vocabulary by reading a range of texts and begin to read 2 syllable words (e.g. rocket). They will be able to comprehend short texts and express their opinions of what will happen next etc.
We will also be discussing changes and your child will take part in a transition day to meet their new teacher.
Personal, social and emotional development
Mathematics Children will develop a strong number recognition (1- 20).They will double single digit numbers and halve amounts by sharing .They will use a range of mathematical resources to help add/subtract amounts, recognise one more/less of a given number and estimate. Children will be given opportunities to talk about size, weight, time, money, distance, position and capacity (e.g. this can be during role-play e.g. making magic potions and comparing amounts). They will develop their mathematical vocabulary in learning. Understanding the world Children will be given opportunities to role play characters special to them e.g. a superhero. We will explore toys, vehicles and occupations over time. They will be given opportunities for planting and discuss things they have observed. They will grow an awareness to care for the environment around us during Child Initiated Learning and Forest School and talk about decay and changes over time. Children will have access to iPads, remote control toys (Beebots, Communication Pairs) and voice recording equipment to document learning.
Expressive arts and design
Life skills, soft skills and bucket list experiences Children will explore cooking techniques and apparatus; they will then have the opportunity to learn how to make a ‘Gruffalo Crumble’ . Children will practise their leadership skills by taking the lead role in their play and taking charge of their learning. Children show an awareness
Children will participate in circle time and will explore different scenarios of forming positive relationships with others e.g. sharing and playing nicely, fairness/unfairness. There will be a focus on working in teams and working together to solve problems. There will also continue to be many opportunities to talk about feelings and making the right choices. They will also be given opportunities to discuss how changes make them feel and any worries they may have about moving to Year 1. Literacy Our ‘Talk for Writing’ story ‘The Gruffalo’ is fun, catchy and provides children with rhyme and alliteration awareness that can be used in their writing. Children will be writing Gruffalo recipes and reading a variety of stories to develop their language and imagination. Your children will also explore fiction and non-fiction texts linked to the seaside and pirates. There will be a strong focus on writing sentences using ‘tricky words’, finger spaces, a capital letter at the beginning and a full stop at the end.
In our music sessions the children will be learning songs to sing at the Coronation celebration, focusing on developing their voices to sing different tunes and play instruments to the beat or a different rhythm. Children will be exploring different textures, tools and colours in original ways to represent their own ideas, thoughts and feelings through music, art and design, role-play and story. Creative activities will also be based on our ‘Fantasy’ theme, creating portrai ts and castles for our castle role play area, moving on to superheroes and monsters/ aliens. We will be studying the work of the artist Karen Whitworth and the children will be able to create their own artwork using oil pastels and paint, with a particular emphasis on colour mixing. Later in the summer term the children will be creating their own ‘pirate’ characters, linked to our ‘Beside the Seaside’ theme .
of being a good team player, opportunities are provided in
Reception through circle time, class games, group work and star of the week assemblies. Children will experience a Gruffalo Day, Pirate Day, a beach party and a superhero day, all amazing opportunities to tick off their bucket list!
Characteristics of effective learning Children are encouraged to review their own progress and learning. Teachers talk in depth with children about what they are doing, what went well and what they would change next time. This gives children the opportunity to self-assess and think critically.
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