The Federation of Abbey Infant & Junior School Curriculum Map for Year 3. 2022-23 - Summer term For specific class information see For dates see “Groovy Greeks” This is a history topic about Ancient Greece and will link to writing, art & design, geography and D&T. The children will learn about the Ancient Greeks and their everyday lives and understand the impact of the Ancient Greeks on our lives today. To launch the topic, we will use ‘Now Press Play which is an interactive and immersive experience designed to engage and inspire the children. They will be finding out about the geography of Greece and how Modern Greece differs from Ancient Greece. Using Ancient Greek artefacts and art work the children will learn about this civilisation. Though creative projects they will make Greek pots, mosaics, Grecian theatre masks as well as traditional Greek food. The children will celebrate their learning with a Greek Day, where the children showcase their Grecian theatrical mask, Greek vases, “Groovy Greek Grub” and put on a Greek singing performance. Bucket list and Life skills opportunities include designing and creating their own Greek masks and pots as well as putting together a Greek meal. Soft skills will continue with decision making, creative thinking and teamwork.
Science The children are introduced to the different parts of a plant focussing on the role and function of the leaf, stem, root and the flower through investigations and observing changes over time. The children will investigate how water is transported through a plant. They will look at how flowers enable a plant to reproduce, and how seeds are dispersed. Building on from previous knowledge, children will explore and sort a range of leaves. They will also be looking at how plants, have adapted to their environment. They will investigate the important role played by bees in plant reproduction. English English in Year 3 is based around the topic we are studying this summer term. We will continue to use the Talk for Writing (T4W) strategy which is based on children’s speaking and listening. Each unit is delivered through 3-week blocks. ‘Ancient Gree ce ’ is the topic which will inspire this term’s texts. The genres to be covered are: diary writing, writing a character description, Myths and Legends and exploring Poetry. The children will plan and write an imaginary diary from the perspective of a Greek child using both emotive and colloquial language, write a detailed character description using descriptive language to be able to create an image, explore different types of poetry using figurative rhymes, similes and metaphors and write their own narrative myth based on Ancient Greek mythology.
This term, the Year 3 music curriculum unit focuses on children using the correct pitch, beat and tune of music They will use their recorders and glockenspiels to play along with a song. The children will build upon their listening, appraising and singing skills as well as incorporating the dimensions of music (pulse, rhythm, pitch, tempo) into our lessons through playing an instrument, improvising and composing. French This term, children are being stretched and challenged with plenty of opportunity to recap “J’ai” (I have) but also learn some important new vocabulary along with some useful connectives to help develop their skills in French. Children will be introduced to eight nouns for common pets along with their gender (French word for “a” or “an”). They will be using, developing and expanding this vocabulary into full French sentences and phrases.
We will continue to work on developing the recall of times tables. The expectation is that, by the end of Year 3 pupils should be able to recall 2,5,10 times tables as well as 4,8,3 times tables and their division facts quickly. Other topics to be covered will be fractions, time, shape, capacity and number which will be consolidating mental strategies and written methods. There will be opportunities during the term to use and apply the children’s learning in a range of different contexts and representations.
Religious Education
Children will conduct a study of the Ancient Greeks. They will develop their historical enquiry skills through examining a range of secondary historical sources to support their ideas (Now Press Play, textbooks and Internet research). The children will use their knowledge and understanding to give reasons and explanations about historical events. They will consider the impact of Ancient Greeks on our lives today. The unit will end with a in a Greek Day celebration.
This unit will further develop their understanding of another European country and how the mapping of this area has changed compared to modern maps. The children will have a first look at how land use affects trades and how settlements interact sometimes harmoniously and sometimes resulting in conflict and suggest geographical reasons for these i.e benefits of different lands. The children will look at modern Greece and infer, based on the geographical locational knowledge, why people may want to visit this area and the routes they may take. The children will also examine and draw relief maps of ancient Greece as well as finding out about the climate and landscape of Greece and how it influenced the development to Ancient Greece.
During Summer 1, the children will explore Judaism. They will learn about the core Jewish beliefs about family, Synagogue celebrations and the Torah. Children will make the links between the story of the Exodus and Jewish beliefs with God and his relationship with the Jewish people. In Summer 2, the children will be learning about The Holy Trinity and why it is important for Christians. Children already have an understanding about the Gospel and will look in more detail at stories from the Gospels, their meaning and what they mean to Christians today. Computing . Children will develop their understanding of what a branching database is and how to create one. They will use yes/no questions to gain an understanding of what attributes are and how to use them to sort groups of objects. Learners will create physical and on-screen branching databases. To conclude the unit, they will create an identification tool using a branching database, which they will test by using it. They will consider real- world applications for branching databases.
During Summer 1, the children will be focusing on Athletics. They will be using running, jumping, throwing and catching in isolation and in combination. They will be developing flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance through Athletics. In Summer 2 we will be concentrating on striking and fielding games in particular Rounders. The children will be playing competitive games and applying basic principles suitable for attacking and defending.
Art & Design
Year 3 build on their prior learning about sculpting and will use paper mâché to create 3D Greek pots. They will explore examples of art work, study the use of colours and patterns before designing their own. They will study Greek mosaics and learn the techniques to design and create their own mosaic pictures and patterns. Children will design and create their own Grecian masks, linking this to Greek theatre.
Design Technology
Our Non-Core lessons, will focus on the everyday lives of the Ancient Greeks. The children will be given the opportunity to design and create Ancient Greek vases and Grecian masks. DT skills will be developed through these activities; planning, designing and evaluating.
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