English The units of writing this term will be a wishes story, newspaper, letter writing and poetry. The children will practise different sentence types which will include: de: de, superlatives, 2A sentence, verbs (-ing and – ly), BOYS sentences (but, or, yet, so), time conjunctions and causal conjunctions. There will be opportunities to identify and use adverbs, similes, alliteration, metaphors, personification, onomatopoeia and rhyme. In comprehension and guided reading lessons, the children will be reading a range of text types to practise inference, summarising, retrieval and word meaning skills in both independent and group tasks. The children will continue to practise SPaG skills, by using the following correctly: pronouns, apostrophes for possession/contraction and proof-reading to make sure that words make sense in their sentences.
The Federation of Abbey Infant & Junior School Curriculum Map for Year 4. 2022-23 - Summer term For specific class information see https://abbey-federation.secure- primarysite.net/topic/class-pages For dates see https://abbey-federation.secure-primarysite.net/diary
Mathematics During the summer term children will be developing their reasoning, thinking, explaining and problem solving skills. Areas of coverage are: Decimals/Money - comparing, ordering and rounding decimals; Dividing by 10 and a 100; Knowing what 0.1 and 0.01 mean; Understand fraction and decimal equivalence; Knowing pounds and pence; Geometry- Identifying, comparing and ordering different angles; Recognising regular and irregular shapes; Classifying triangles, quadrilaterals and identifying lines of symmetry; Understanding quadrants and coordinates. We will also continue to improve our multiplication tables knowledge and recall. French During this term, the children will continue to develop their understanding of the French language, through a unit called ‘Les Romains’ all about The Romans, they will be exposed to short texts and they will continue to develop their key vocabulary. The children will be provided with opportunities to copy and repeat phrases and to write sentences from memory. They will progress onto writing full sentences independently using key vocabulary that has been learnt. Music In this unit, the children will explore a wide range of musical styles. The skills they will be practising will include listening, singing, playing composing and performing. The children will learn about a diverse range of musicians, explore a range of musical styles and where they originated from. There will be opportunities for children to play a selection of instruments as we engage with a range of musical genres. History Children will look at the chronology of the early invaders and settlers and the significant impact on British history. They will first learn about the Roman Empire and how their rule impacted on British people. The children will also touch upon Empire of Kush, Hannibal, Rani Lakshmi, Queen Boudicca and their impact on Roman rule. They will then examine the Anglo Saxons and what Britain was like under their rule. We will also be learning about how we know about them through our examination of ‘Sutton Hoo Mystery’. Finally , we will also look at the Viking and their relationships to the Anglo Saxons.
Our topic is Invaders and Settlers
This topic is about is about having a good knowledge and understanding of the Romans, Anglo Saxons and Vikings and their relationship to early British history. Through out the topic we aim to encourage the children to think critically about different perspectives and ask relevant questions to further their knowledge. Through this topic we will be linking our history knowledge of early invaders and settlers, to our art work and DT work. We will be creating Roman shields in art and looking at Italian food. Children will also be participating in a Italian day where they will experience Italian food. Our educational visit will be to ‘The Lunt’ Roman Fort . This will provide children with the opportunity to recognise and understand what life was like for a Roman soldier. They will have the opportunity to explore the Roman Fort and participate in parade ground drills.
Computing In the first of the two programming units in Year 4, we will look at repetition and loops within programming. Pupils will create programs by planning, modifying, and testing commands to create shapes and patterns. They will use Logo, a text-based programming language. The second unit explores the concept of repetition in programming using the Scratch environment. The final project is to design and create a game which uses repetition, applying stages of programming design throughout. There will also be lessons on internet safety, encouraging home links. Religious Education For Christians, what was the impact of Pentecost? Recall learning from Unit L2 about belief in Jesus’ death and resurrection of Jesus. Make links between the story of Pentecost and Christian beliefs about the ‘Kingdom of God’ on earth. Values: What matters most to Christians and Humanists? Links are made to previous learning about Christian beliefs that we are made in the image of God and also sinful . Reflect on the question ‘why do people do good things and bad things?’ Sound: The children identify how sound travels through the air and through solid objects. They will study how the pitch and volume of sound can be changed and affected, Teeth: The children identify different types of teeth, their functions and how to keep teeth healthy - investigating decay and enamel through practical work. There is also an introduction to the digestive system, and its function.
PE Swimming will continue this term, at Thimblemill Baths. The children will be consolidating the work done in the Autumn and Spring terms, developing their ability to swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres, use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke] and perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations. 4M and 4P will swim on Tuesdays and 4S will swim on Fridays this term. Art & Design Children will explore brush and paint techniques. The children will use inspiration from original Roman shield designs, the symbolism associated with Gods and Goddesses to design and create a Roman shield which represents their own personality. Children will develop their sketching and will explore a range of medium including a range of pens and gradient pencils. They will also look at the principles of sculpture through clay work and develop their own final piece after examining a range of artists who work with this medium.
Geography Through this topic the children will develop their knowledge of Europe by examining where early invaders and settlers came from and why. Through the use of Google Earth the children will also look at how far they would have travelled to reach Britain’s shores. The children will explore the historic land use of Britain and the impact that Roman roads have on the land in Britain today They will also develop an understanding of volcanoes which will be linked to Pompeii.
Design Technology This term we will also be focussing on cooking. As our topic includes the Romans, we will be making some Italian food and even offering the opportunity for parents to come into school to try it. We will be developing children’s cooking in a range of skills enabling them to cook a variety of dishes.
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