Summer 2023 complete curriculum information leaflets

Computing The first unit this term gives the children the opportunity to learn how to plan and create short videos. They will be taught about camera angles and filming techniques and will develop the skills of capturing, editing and manipulating video using iMovie. After half term, we will move on to look at computer systems and networks. Children will develop an understanding of how search results and are ranked and influenced. They will then have knowledge of how to refine their searches accordingly when they are not able to find the information that they desire. Religious Education This term, we are learning how prayer is important in different faiths and why prayers are important to different religions. We question whether all prayers follow the same theme and explore the similarities and differences across a range of prayers. We also look closely into different prayers and interpret what they mean. After half term, we then look at what happens inside places of worship in different faiths. We then explore further into the similarities and differences between each place of worship. Science This term, the children will learn how to measure the level of friction using scientific equipment (Newton meters) and what materials affect the amount of friction, through practical investigations. There is also a focus on gravity and how particular objects fall through the air. The children will be able to carry out their own experiments exploring the drag forces such as air resistance, water resistance and up thrust. We will discuss and explore the importance of levers, gears and pulleys. We will find out how force can be transferred through these devices and how they allow a smaller force to have a greater effect. As part of our RSHE work, children will also be taught about changes that occur to the body during puberty and there will be an optional session on conception. English The units of writing will be: narrative, alternative fairy tales, letter writing for a purpose and poetry. The narrative will focus on creating tension through setting and character descriptions. The alternative fairy tales will be based on the children altering existing fairy tales and being creative with their ideas and writing. At the end of this unit, they will have the opportunity to read their fairy tale to the infant children. The formal letter of complaint will be based on the current issues of palm oil and deforestation. During this unit, children will learn how to make their writing appropriate to their target audience by using the correct style e.g. formal language, first person and appropriate layout. Throughout each writing unit we will focus on certain sentence types and features including: figurative language, parenthesis, short sentences to create tension and direct speech along with a range of Alan Peat sentence types. Reading will be promoted through daily Guided Reading sessions and Story Time as well as weekly comprehension lessons, which focus on inference and using evidence from the text to support their answers. Spelling if appropriate

Mathematics We will continue to develop the children’s knowledge of decimals by adding, subtracting and multiplying/dividing by 10, 100 and 1000. We will look at the properties of 2D and 3D shapes and strengthen the children’s reasoning on shape, including regular and irregular polygons. The children will be using protractors to measure angles, in shapes and around a point. They will be able to draw and identify parallel and perpendicular lines and then move on to reflecting and translating shapes with co-ordinates. We will also be converting between imperial and metric units of measurements. The children will continue to develop their fluency with daily fluency sessions, regular access to TT Rock stars, and weekly arithmetic tests as well as developing their concept of telling the time and time duration. Reasoning skills will continue to develop during every Maths lesson, through written responses and mathematical (White Rose) challenges. French Our topic is ‘Les Jeux Olympiques’ (The Olympics). The children will be able to say the nouns for the Sports in the current Olympics and what they like/ don’t like to play. They will also be able to tell somebody about the key facts of the history of the Olympics. When reading longer extracts of texts, they will be able to look out for cognates (a word that resembles the equivalent English word) and highlight key words to show an understanding of the texts. They will continue to develop knowledge of adjectival agreement and understand the concept of de la, de l’ and du. Music Our Music focus is ‘Dancing in the Street’ by Martha and the Vandellas. The children will explore the cultural context of Motown music by listening to, and appraising a variety of Motown songs. We will play instruments alongside this song. They will develop their knowledge of musical notation and will be reading and composing their own music to play along with the track. Throughout the unit, children will be focusing on rhythm, tempo and pulse through a range of musical activities. P.E The children will be given the opportunity to play cricket where the children will be able to field, bat and use tactical awareness when fielding. They will learn the rules of the game and be able to communicate and work co- operatively in teams. In the second half term we will move on to athletics. The children will be able to sprint and combine hurdles up to 60m. When throwing, they will be able to analyse their technique and body positions to improve their performance and when jumping the children will know how to show control when taking off and landing. The children will be encouraged to compete with others and keep track of their personal best performances while also setting targets for improvement.

Our topic is ‘ Rainforests ’ . Through this Topic we will be linking our History, Geography, Art and Design & Technology to rainforests. This topic is about knowing and understanding the different rainforests around the world and their locations, as well as a look into what species of animals and tribes live there. We will discuss the current issues that surround rainforests such as: deforestation, endangered species and palm oil. We will have our annual visit from ‘Rainforest Dave,’ who will bring along artefacts, photos and even his own animals from the rainforests across the world for the children to hold and experience. We will be holding a rainforest inspired workshop for parents/carers to attend which involves an Art/Design & Technology activity. The soft skills we will be promoting throughout this term are: communication, leadership, team work and creativity. Our bucket list opportunities this term are: our visit to Selly Manor, Rainforest Dave’s Roadshow and dance workshop for the celebration of King Charles III as well as cricket workshops from Lordswood School. We will also be having a sports morning in the woods. Particularly in D&T this term we are working on the following life skills: Awareness of health and safety, DIY and tackling a project. As part of the Coronation events we will be having a day of celebration for the coronation of King Charles III. The Federation of Abbey Infant & Junior School Curriculum Map for Year 5. 2022-23- Summer term For specific class information see For dates see

History This term, our focus will be on the Ancient Maya civilisation. The children will develop their understanding of who they were, where they lived and what their life was like. They will be researching and learning about the culture, rituals and symbolic beliefs of this early civilisation. We will discuss possible reasons behind the demise of the Maya civilisation, making links to deforestation, war and droughts. The children will be given the opportunity to discuss each area and form their own opinions and conclusions. Throughout the topic, we will also take a look at how different tribes have survived over time and what dangers they have faced over the years. Within this lesson, we will also explore how the recent pandemic affected these indigenous and uncontacted tribes. Art & Design The children will be using the gridding method to create detailed observational drawings. They will begin by working co-operatively as a class to produce a large-scale drawing before going on to produce individual pieces. Within this unit, we will focus on negative and positive space as well as developing the children’s skills with a range of different media. Finally, the children will create a final piece using different textures, which will allow them to apply the skills that they have developed.

Design Technology This term, we will be creating bird feeder to link with our rainforest topic. We will begin by evaluating existing designs and researching what works well and why. The children will use a range of tools and equipment such as: saws, hammers, screwdrivers and different types of wood. They will learn how to make an effective join, measure accurately and cut to a specific angle/measurement. They will then appropriately decorate their bird feeder to suit the bird’s habitat. Children will also have opportunity to create moving objects using cams. focus on North and South America and identify the features of these lands, in particular the Amazon rain forest. The children will develop an understanding of the structure of the rainforest examining the layers within. They also will examine the tribes that live within the area and gain an understanding of their lifestyles and culture. Geography Through the study of the Rainforest, the children will look at the human impact on the land discussing deforestation and the use of palm oil. They will explore the importance of A mazon’s tribes, animals and companies. They will further solidify the skills of using longitude and latitude to locate areas within the world ensuring an understanding of the key geographical language they have encountered so far. The children’s locational knowledge will have a

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