The Federation of Abbey Infant & Junior School Curriculum Map for Year 6 2022-2023 - Summer term For specific class information see For dates see
Throughout this term we will be writing a range of fiction and non-fiction genres. We will begin with writing a first- person narrative using present tense. Within our narrative units, there will be a focus on description of settings and characters; creating tension; using dialogue to convey action and show characterisation. There will also be an opportunity for children to write their own balanced argument (discursive text) where they will be using complex sentences and punctuation as well as formal language. We will continue to focus on reading comprehension and SPaG each week.
Music As part of the preparation for our end of year show, year 6 will learn several songs as a whole year group. Some of the songs will involve the children being split into 2 or more groups and singing different parts in harmony. This will allow the children to explore singing in unison, a round and split part singing. throughout the year. We will also be working on units designed to ensure a smooth transition into Year 7, focussing on using a variety of different mathematical skills when problem solving, identifying number patterns and sequences and logic problems. The children will also complete investitive problems which deepen and strengthen the KS2 curriculum, developing a mathematical toolkit which will aid them as they move to secondary school. During the summer term, our focus in Maths will be on reasoning and problem solving — tackling questions which may require a number of mathematical skills and the application of a wide range of learning from
Our topic this term is ‘It’s Showtime!’
First, we will be continuing our exploration of extinction, fossils and how living things adapt and evolve over time in order to survive. Then, building on from Year 4 work’s on Electricity, the children will be making and drawing circuits with the appropriate scientific symbols, as well as analysing a range of circuits to ensure they work and exploring the loudness of a buzzer and the brightness of a bulb. Our final topic will be exploring magnets and predicting whether two magnets will repel or attract each other.
Year 6 will go on a journey around the world and through history learning about a variety of performances. They will look at how the circus and performing arts have developed over the years which will lead to some interesting debates. Once the children have learnt about the importance of the arts and the impact they can have when constructed and performed in a professional manner, the children will perform in an amazing end of year production as a celebration of the end of year and the children ’s final year at Abbey. The children will also look at the event organisation aspect of putting on a show and will help to orchestrate the Summer Fayre, deciding and organising the stools. Throughout the curriculum, we will be focusing on the following life skills: sewing using a sewing machine, mindfulness, hosting an event, debating and budgeting. To complete our bucket list for this year, the children will also get the opportunity to take part in the following: a Circus skills day, performing to an audience, SATs and end of year party, as well as lots of exciting entertainment planned for the end of year prom… but that’s a secret and all to be revealed!
Throughout our topic ‘It’s Showtime’, we will be exploring topical geographical issues of the circus and animal captivity and explain how these issues have changed over time. We will also be using the 8 points of the compass and 6 figure grid references to follow the routes of significant circus events around the world. We will be using technology and digital mapping which will consequently help the children to draw scaled maps. The children will also take into consideration the opportunities that the circus gives for economic distribution.
This term, children will use physical computing to explore the concept of selection in programming through the use of the Crumble programming environment. They will be introduced to a microcontroller (Crumble controller) and learn how to connect and program it to control components. The children will apply their knowledge of repetition and conditions when introduced to the concept of selection (through the ‘if...then...’ structure) and write algorithms and programs that utilise this concept. To conclude the unit, learners will design and make a working model.
Design Technology
Within DT, the children will be moving their sewing skills on from hand sewing to using a sewing machine. They will be designing, making and evaluating a piece of bunting using applique, to form a collaborative piece where they will all be joined together to form a legacy bunting. They will have the opportunity to experiment using the sewing machine first, in order to produce a realistic design which challenges their sewing skills accordingly.
This term the children will continue to explore diversity in History and understand the influences on British society at the time. With a focus on the history of performances, they will take a look into Shakespeare ‘s ‘male - only’ performances as well as other significant performers such as Henry Box Brown. The children will be able to compare and contrast how performances have changed throughout the years.
Religious Education
MFL – French
Art & Design
In the unit ‘What kind of king was Jesus?’ we will ask ‘what kind of world did Jesus want?’ The unit considers how Bible stories show the love that Jesus gave to others, and demonstrates what type of person he was. Children will compare the similarities and differences between Jesus and some of the leaders around the world today. The unit; ‘What impact do people’s beliefs have in their lives?’ covers Sikh, Muslim, humanists and Christian beliefs, looking at spiritualism; how religious and non-religious people use different art forms – music, architecture and art in their own spiritual lives.
In athletics, pupils will develop their sprinting skills by combining sprinting with low hurdles. They will learn to throw accurately and refine their performance by analysing technique and body shape. Jumping skills will be developed by improving control in take-off and landings. During lessons and sporting activities, pupils will compete with others and keep track of personal best performances, setting targets for improvement. In cricket, children will progress from their learning in Y4 by bowling, striking and fielding with increased accuracy and thought.
Throughout this term, the children will be developing their printing skills to create a piece of art work, printed onto card and fabric. They will be working in the style of William Morris, Rachid Koraichi and Felicia Browne. The children will be introduced to printing using impressed polystyrene initially before moving onto lino; they will then choose their preferred form of printing and apply different techniques to work in the style of the artists, creating their own printing block. The outcome will form their year 6 legacy.
This term, children will be focusing on the topic ‘Le - Weekend’, where they will learn to talk about the things they enjoy doing at the weekend. They will use speaking, reading and writing to learn about and communicate their hobbies and when they like to do them. As well as learning vocabulary for activities and places, children will also be introduced to the vocabulary they need to be able to ask for and tell the time.
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