King's Business - 1958-03



Biographical, Geographical, Historical and Doctrinal (form erly “ Im p e ria l B ible D ic tio n a ry ") Edited by Patrick Fairbairn, D. D. Introductions by J. C. Ryle, D. D., and C. H. Waller, M. A, A ZONDERVAN REPRINT CLASSIC

Feaiaring articles by: Moralins Bonar, D. D. Robert Buohannan, D. D. A. B. Davidson, D. D., LI. D. Christian Leaders Say:

6 volumes Complete and unabridged

Franz Deiltzsch, D. D. John Eadie, D. D. LI. D. Gust F. Oehler, Th. D.

Thomas Scott, D. D. George Smeaton, D. D.

and many other outstanding Bible scholars.

• Over 700 beautiful illustrations, many of them full page

i DR. RALPH ; EARLE, Chair- | man Depart- jj ment of New T e s t am e n t , N a z a r e n e Th e o l o g i c a l

lications: “. . . the measure of a work’s greatness is the timeliness and timelessness of its benefits.” In the IM- PER I AL STANDARD BIBLE ENCYCLOPEDIA these two elements are happily blended, making it a pleasure to recommend it to all those who would bet­ ter understand the Word of God.”

DR. WI LBUR M.-SMITH, Pro­ fessor of English B i b l e , Fuller T h e o l o g i c a l Seminary, Pasa­ dena, California:

• Large readable type


• Handsomely and durably bound

• 6 % " x 10"

Seminary, Kansas City, Mis­ souri: “ . . . Fairbairn (is) exhaustive and valuable.” DR. CHARLES W. CONN, Editor, Church of God pub-

. . (Fairbairn) is especially helpful in the areas of Biblical biography, geography, and botany . . . six beautifully il­ lustrated volumes (including about 700 pictures).”

• Nearly 400 pages per volume

• M ay be ordered as complete set or by individual volume

$ 4.95 DOWN stollments on delivery of volumes


4— A reproduction of one of the valuable i l­ lustrations.

Zondervan Publishing House

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Grand Rapids, Michigan | I Yes, I would like to order the complete 6-volume set of Fairbairn’s IMPERIAL STANDARD BIBLE ENCYCLOPEDIA and enclose $4.95 for immediate delivery of Volume I. (Volumes II through VI to be sent on volume-a-month plan and cnarged when sent.) This special $5.00 sav­ ings means Volume VI will be sent absolutely free. This special offer expires December 31, 1958__________ _______________ ______ Postage extra. □ Vol. I (A to Ched)................ $4.95 □ Yol. IV (K to Nicod)_________$4.95 □ Vol. II (Chee to Genn) .......... ......$4.95 □ Vol. V (Nicol to Ra)....................$4.95 □ Vol. Ill (Gent to J)_________ $4.95 □ Vol. VI (Re to Z)..........................$4.95

name. A'DAM [to be red, or, as some put it, earth-red, ruddy], the name given to our first parent, and from him the common designation in Hebrew of mankind at large. It seems at first thought somewhat strange, that the head of the human family should have received his distinctive name from the affinity which he had, in the lower part of his nature, to the dust of the earth- that he should have been called Adam, as being taken in his bodily part from adamah, the ground; the more especially as the name was not assumed by man him­ self, but imposed by God, and imposed in immediate connection withj^^^destinationj ACTUAL TYPE SAMPLE

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*Note: You may order individual volumes at the regular price. Regular set price is $29.70. if ordered before December 31, 1958 only $24.701


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