King's Business - 1958-03

kling and his later re-emerging in his glorious garments to bless God’s people. As you read of the Saviour’s birth and hear the announcing angel say, “ He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord shall give unto Him the throne of His father David . . you realize that the unfulfilled histories of the Old Testament are being tak­ en up again and are finding fulfill­ ment in Him. As you read His teachings about the love and fatherhood of God; as you hear Him say, “ Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” ; as you see Him, not only ascending to heaven but shedding forth the Holy Spirit and thereby coming to in­ dwell the hearts of His redeemed people — you see the unappeased longings of the Old Testament phil­ osophical books finding lovely ful­ fillment. And as for the unfulfilled proph­ ecies of the Old Testament Christol- ogy, from the time of His miracu­ lous birth at Bethlehem right on to the climax of His miraculous ascen­ sion from Olivet, He is fulfilling those predictions of the older dis­ pensation. He claims to be their ful­ fillment— as when He says in the synagogue: “ This day is this scrip- true fulfilled in your ears.” He proves to be their fulfillment in His sinless life and miracle-attested min­ istry and most movingly in His Cal­ vary death. For of whom could such passages as Isaiah 53 be written if not of Him to whom John the Bap­ tist pointed as he exclaimed: “ Be­ hold, the Lamb of God, which tak- eth away the sin of the world” ? Yes, the Jesus of the New Testa­ ment is the fulfillment of Old Testa­ ment ceremony, history, philosophy, prophecy. In the Old Testament He is coming. In the gospels He has come in visible humanity. In the Epistles He has come in by the in­ visible Holy Spirit. In the Apoca­ lypse He comes back in the glory of world empire. The fulfillments at His first coming prove Old Testa­ ment prophecy to be divine; and they equally guarantee that the still-unfulfilled remainder, in both Old and New Testaments, will just as certainly burst into occurrence when the predestined hour strikes. |

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The King's Business/March 1958


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