King's Business - 1958-03

Special Book Review/BY m . r dehaan

Questions On Doctrine

The Seventh-day Adventists’ long promised book (720 pages) on their current doctrine is here reviewed in detail

I have just finished reading the latest book published by the Sev­ enth-day Adventist Review and. Herald Publishing Association, en­ titled Seventh-day Adventists An­ swer Questions on Doctrine, but the title in itself is deceptive. The SDAs do not answer the questions, but in­ stead raise a multitude of other questions in a very verbose volume of vindication of the SDA position. Therefore the first part should be eliminated, and the title correctly left to read, Questions on Doctrine. This book represents an official statement of the Adventists’ position and on the flyleaf we find the sen­ tence, “ prepared by a representative group of Seventh-day Adventist leaders, Bible teachers and editors.” As such, it is the latest statement of the position of the Seventh-day Ad­ ventists. I had waited long for this much-publicized volume to appear, and read it with an open mind and in great anticipation. I say “ an­ ticipation,” because I had been as­ sured repeatedly that it would be a turn-about-face of the old Seventh- day Adventist position and a re­ pudiation of many of their objec­ tionable doctrines. I had been as­ sured repeatedly by certain friends of this sect that the SDAs made some drastic revision of their stand and greatly changed their views to conform with evangelical Christian- ity. M y disappointment, th e re fo re , was very great, when I found that there had been no essential change in the historic stand of the Advent­ ists. Some of their statements were slightly modified and rephrased, but essentially it was the same old error in a slightly altered garment. The book, therefore, abounds in double talk and flagrant contradic­ tions. A better example of “ talk­

this new volume “ come within the framework of the official statement of fundamental beliefs of Seventh- day Adventists which appear in the Church Manual (which has not been revised). 4) They represent the official po­ sition, therefore, of the sect. From these statements we learn that there has been no change or in­ tention of change in the SDA posi­ tion. There is no hint that they ever had any intention to retract, modify, change or repudiate any of their previous doctrines, which have al­ ways been considered unscriptural, false and God-dishonoring by evan­ gelicals. It is the same error in new terminology, and all of this in the face of the loudly-heralded prom­ ises that the SDAs had made such drastic changes that they would set evangelical Christendom back on its heels and compel them to change their whole evaluation of the SDA Church. After a few pages devoted to pointing out in what particular areas the SDAs are in agreement with evangelical theologians, the rest of the entire volume is devoted to three definite things: 1) A defense of the distinctive be­ liefs of the SDAs concerning con­ ditional immortality, soul sleeping, total annihilation, the year-day the­ ory pointing up in 1844, the three angels of Revelation, the investiga­ tive judgment and cleansing of the sanctuary, their “ scape goat” theory, pork ordinances, health rides, the mark of the beast, etc., etc., etc. 2) A vindication of their inspired prophetess, Ellen G. White, exalt­ ing her to a place of authority and inspired utterance equal with many of the prophets, including John the Baptist (page 91). The Catholic Church scarcely gives a higher place

ing out of both sides of the mouth” could hardly be found. The volume is not a repudiation by SDAs of any of their previous views, but rather a restatement of them. This is admitted by the au­ thors at the outset. I quote from page 8: “ The replies were prepared by a group of recognized leaders in close counsel with Bible teachers, editors and administrators. The goal was to set forth our basic beliefs in terminology currently used in the­ ological circles. This was, therefore, not to be a new statement of faith, but rather an answer to specific questions concerning our faith. It was natural that these answers would come within the framework of the official statement of funda­ mental beliefs of Seventh-day Ad­ v en tis ts w h ich appears in the Church Manual. In view of this fact these answers represent the po­ sition of our denomination in the area of church doctrine and pro­ phetic interpretation. This explanatory statement by the authors explains the purpose of the book. So the following is clear: 1) It is not a new statement of faith (therefore, it must be the old stand). 2) The goal was merely to use new terminology in propagating their position. 3) They represent no change in any of their former beliefs, for they admit that the statements in

A bout the A uthor Dr. M. R. DeHaan is the widely known and highly respected teacher of The Radio Bible Class of Grand Rapids, Mich.


The King's Business/Morch 1958

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